Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 38

Kimblee and the Elrics chase Scar's group through an abandoned mining town.

In Central, Riza returns home still shaken from the run-in with Pride. The phone rings and Riza hears Mustang's voice on the other side asking if she can help him get rid of some flowers. Riza declines to accept the flowers but thanks Mustang for calling. Mustang senses something amiss and asks Riza what's wrong, but Riza lies that everything is okay.

Not the Elric May was looking for.

Up in the north, Kimblee's convoy have arrived in abandoned mining town Baschool where someone has sighted Scar's group. Since the town is quite large and filled with many buildings, the group decides to split up, with Miles leading one team and the Elrics leading another to search for Scar. Meanwhile, Kimblee will stay put until one of the teams contact him after locating Scar. The Elrics are paired with two of Kimblee's subordinates Heinkel and Darius, but a few minutes into the search the Elrics manages to lose Heinkel and Darius and begin searching for Scar's group on their own. Baschool proves to be too large for the Elrics to search effectively, but just as the brothers are about to give up they are found by May, Marcoh, and Yoki. At this time, Al also lets Winry out from his armor. May and Marcoh are happy to see the Elrics, but Yoki is not pleased and goes on a monologue about how he was ousted from this post by Ed and some of his misadventures afterwards including an unsuccessful robbery of the Armstrong mansion. Of course, none of the others pay any attention to Yoki.

Looks like super strength runs in the Armstrong family.

Hello Scar, meet Ugly and Uglier.

Elsewhere in the town, Kimblee learns that Winry had gone missing, and Miles returns and volunteers to search for Winry. In a building somewhere, Scar is confronted by Kimblee's henchmen Jerso and Zampano. Jerso and Zampano are both chimeras and Zampano transforms into a spike-firing hog while Jerso turns into a mucus-spitting toad. The two chimeras know that Scar has to touch them to decompose them, so they stay at distance and harass Scar with their ranged attacks. The strategy proves to effective, and a minutes into the fight Scar is graced in the left arm by a spike and his right hand is glued to the floor by mucus. Jerso and Zampano prepare to finish Scar off, but at this moment the Elrics arrive after hearing the commotion. Instead of helping to capture Scar, the Elrics first knock out the two chimeras. The Elrics then turn to confront Scar who has managed to free himself from the mucus. After a short exchange of blows, Scar gains the advantage but he is distracted by the arrival of Winry. The Elrics capitalize on the opportunity and use alchemy to tie Scar to a slab of floor. At this moment, Miles and two Briggs soldiers arrive at the scene. Miles pull out his pistol and points it at Scar, but Winry gets in the way. Despite the protests of the brothers and Miles, Winry refuses to back down because she wants to know the truth about her parents' deaths. Winry asks Scar why he killed her parents, and Scar answers that anything he says will sound like an excuse. Soon after, Kimblee group hears an explosion and spots smoke emitting from a nearby building.

I'm a freakin' kung fu master, baby.

The Elrics are so cruel they can make grown men/chimera cry.

In the tunnel under Briggs, Buccaneer's team arrives back at the tunnel entrance, but the 24 hour time limit may have passed so Oliver may have already sealed the entrance. Luckily for Buccaneer and his team, the hatch is still open, and the officer guarding the hatch reveal that Olivier had given him a broken watch to keep track of the time. Later on top of the fortress, Buccaneer thanks Olivier for not sealing the entrance, and Olivier pretends that she doesn't know what Buccaneer is talking about. The two then spot a military convoy heading towards their base.

For a combat-loving, rough-and-tumble soldier, Buccaneer has excellent teeth.

Back in Baschool, Kimblee and his soldiers have arrived at the building that the smoke is coming from. After another explosion, Ed dashes out of the smoke and blames Kimblee for not keeping an eye on Winry, and everyone spots Scar standing on top of the building carrying the unconscious Winry.

Hmmm... who bandaged up Scar's left arm?


Really nice episode. I don't remember this part of the manga very well and I was pleasantly surprised by the action scenes in this episode. Despite the serious nature of the main story, most of this episode was comedic in nature and it was actually quite funny. The action between the Elrics and Jerso/Zampano was hilarious, and it was really funny seeing Ed taking a somewhat sick pleasure in testing his lighter northern automail against the two chimeras. The segment between May and the Elrics was hilarious as well. Another funny part of this episode was Yoki's monologue, and Bones did a great job retelling Yoki's story in monologue form and added some LOL moments especially with Yoki trying to steal from the Armstrong mansion. Bones really paid attention to the FMA gaidens and omakes, especially the ones about Alex Armstrong's other sisters.

Moving back to the main story, the Elrics managed to temporarily lose Kimblee's henchmen and meet up with Scar's group, but the Elrics still have no love for Scar. Scar was rather unimpressive this episode given how he was at a disadvantage against Jerso and Zampano, but for some reason he is always capable of beating the Elrics. Thankfully Winry showed up and actually did something useful during a fight. Winry finally gets her chance to make Scar spit out some answers about her the death of her parents, but we'll have to wait until next episode to witness that drama. I noticed there were two guys standing outside the doorway while Winry was questioning Scar. Is it Darius and Heinkel? I don't really remember.

The episode ends in what appears to be a cliffhanger with Winry in Scar's hands, but if you watch the preview... well, just watch the preview. The next episode will be more of a cat and mouse game between Kimblee and Scar, so there won't be as much action but hopefully the show will build up on the atmosphere of the chase.

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