Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist 102

Father assembles the five sacrifices.

The Blind Alchemist, and I'm not talking about the gaiden/OVA.

After Mustang is pinned to the ground by Wrath, Pride grabs hold of Mustang and forces Mustang to open the Gate of Truth using the crazy doctor as the subject. Pride and Mustang then disappears, leaving Wrath to face Scar and the rest. Jelso mentions that the center of Father's operation is right below their current location, and with that in mind Scar blows a large hole in ground.

Meanwhile, Mustang is brought in front of the Gate of Truth to face Truth. Soon after, Mustang and Pride materialize in Father's chamber. Ed goes to check if Mustang is okay and at first it appears Mustang has all of his body parts, but the colonel soon discovers that he has lost his sight. Both Pride and Father take the opportunity to make snarky remarks about the Elrics, Izumi, and Mustang, stating that Truth has dealt the proper punishment for each one of them.

Up a few levels, May, the chimeras and Riza are heading down the hole Scar created in the ground. Wrath attempts to stop them, but he is confronted by Scar instead. Wrath asks for Scar's real name but Scar answers that he abandoned it long ago. Wrath states that he doesn't know his real name and that he likes the prospect of two nameless warriors fighting to the death.

The body has starved for so long, it'll probably survive for a few more hours.

Back in Father's chamber, Father suddenly notices a disturbance from above and May manages to force her way into the chamber. May arrives to see Al lying on the ground and urges Al to wake up. Meanwhile in front of the Gate of Truth, Al is reunited with his body. Al is initially ecstatic about the prospect of getting his body back but he soon realizes that his malnourished real body is unsuited to the upcoming battle. Al then leaves the through the Gate promising to return once again to retrieve his body. As Al leaves, his body mentions that Al's return to this realm may bring nothing but despair and ruin.

In the real world, Al wakes up once gain in his armored body, and Father is happy that all five of his sacrifices have arrived.


Another superb chapter of FMA. Mustang is blind!! We probably should have know that he was going to lose a body part or two after going through the Gate, but losing his sight is pretty devastating. For one it makes much harder for Mustang to resist since he can't see what he is burning. However, not all hopes is lost since Mustang's sight is probably in the possession of Truth. If Ed can somehow retrieve his body parts from Truth, then so can Mustang. This whole final battle may be a showdown against Father for now, but I believe inevitably it'll become a showdown against Truth.

On a Mustang-related note, I still don't quite understand how Pride forced Mustang to perform the transmutation. Pride has the knowledge and made the circle, but isn't alchemy a little more beyond touching someone's hands to a transmutation circle? Well, I suppose it's not all that important at the moment. The story just needed someone to kick Mustang through the Gate.

Moving on, Al finally returns to the real world, and as many of us have guessed Al went to see his own body. Al could have retaken his own body, but it was just not the right time for Al knowing that his brother and friends are in trouble in the real world. It's a tough choice, but Al makes the painful but correct decision. Fate continues to be cruel to the Elrics. Al's body said some pretty ominous words at the end, and I wonder what he is foreshadowing.

So the chapter ends with all five sacrifices (I suppose Hohenheim counts) assembled before Father, but May has managed to crash the party. May might be the only one there who can effectively counter Father's powers, but she's up against both Pride and Father which isn't very good odds. I doubt the chimeras are Riza would be able to do much once they arrive at the chamber. Meanwhile, Scar and Wrath are going mano-a-mano a few levels up. It's an exciting showdown between two of the series' best close combat fighters, but I'm still hoping that Ling/Greed will be the one to finish Wrath. Besides, Scar will probably be more useful against Father as Father can't neutralize his alchemy. The good guys still have the Armstrong siblings' group and a bunch of guys at the radio station, but I'm not sure how they'll be able to help. Can't wait to see what happens next month.

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