Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bleach 386

Tousen reveals his true form.

Komamura: Why don't you go look at yourself in the mirror, bug eyes.

Tousen undergoes resurrecion and transforms into a giant black fly hollow with two large bulbous eyes. Tousen opens his eyes and sees for the first time and comments that Komamura is even uglier than he thought. While dodging Tousen's attack, Komamura thinks back of how he met Tousen and remembers that he became Tousen's friend to help Tousen learn to love again. Komamura swings down with his bankai, but Tousen blocks the giant's blade and blasts the giant in the chest with a powerful attack. Komamura is badly hurt by the attack (since his body takes any damage that the giant takes) and Tousen flies in to finish him off, but suddenly Tousen is stabbed in the back of the neck by Hisagi. Hisagi states that the old blind Tousen would have evaded this attack, and he releases his shikai which stabs all the way through Tousen's neck. Tousen then sees images of the girl that he loved before his vision is swallowed by darkness.


That was a pretty weak-sauce and not to mention ugly ressurecion by Tousen. I guess Tousen's ugly appearance is a reflection of the person he has become. It's quite the nice contrast to his sleek and white Hollow-mask form. I have mixed feelings about the ending of this chapter. On one hand, it'd be pretty disappointing if Tousen just died like this without showing off his real abilities. Given that Tousen has demonstrated significant regeneration abilities, Hisagi's stab might not be enough to take down Tousen. On the other hand, Hisagi taking out Tousen seemed like the perfect ending to the fight. In being able to see, Tousen actually lost the "vision" that he had when his blind which allowed Hisagi to land the sneak attack, and this is another way of metaphorically saying that Tousen has lost his way which is pretty cool. Besides, I don't like Tousen and his yapping ways, so a part of me would prefer if Tousen died quickly. We'll have to wait for the next chapter to see if Tousen is alive or dead.

An interesting note in this chapter is that Tousen's resurrecion actually has a hollow hole, which makes sense given resurrecion is an arrancar ability. This also supports the theory that the horned tribal form Ichigo (that whooped Ulquiorra) may be Ichigo's resurrecion.

Oh, and what happened with Shinji vs. Aizen? I wanted to see Shinji's release damn it!

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