Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 37

Kimblee tells Ed about the Fuhrer's orders, while Riza discovers a dark secret.

Lieutenant Hawkeye is always right. ALWAYS.

Kimblee has brought Winry and four of his subordinates to Briggs. After Winry outfits Ed with northern automail, Kimblee calls a meeting with Ed to go over the Fuhrer's orders, but Kimblee orders that Al stay in his holding cell. Meanwhile, Olivier sends a rescue team down into the tunnel to search for the missing expedition team. After the rescue team departs, Olivier tells her other subordinate officers that she alone is responsible for Raven's death and that's what they should say if the news ever gets out.

There are bears outside of the fortress, and there are bears within the fortress.

Back in Central, Mustang talks with flower vendor who is associated with the Armstrong family. After briefing Mustang on the situation up north, the vendor states that Olivier wants to ally with Eastern army to fight against Central.

Time for Mustang to open up his own flower shop.

Down in the tunnels below Briggs, the rescue team led by Buccaneer travels down the tunnel and eventually discovers ripped-apart corpses of men and horses from the expedition team. The team then discovers two survivors who are half scared to death. The survivors warn the rescue team that there can't be light as the shadow will come back. Not far away, the shadowy tendrils spot the rescue team, but suddenly something else catches the tendrils' attention and the tendrils retreat.

Be afraid of the shadows. Be very afraid.

In Central, Riza visits that Fuhrer's residence to hand the Fuhrer some urgent documents, but King Bradley isn't home and so the documents are handed to Mrs. Bradley. While chatting with Mrs. Bradley, Riza suddenly gets a bad feeling and turns around to spot Selim. Selim states that he came out because he thought that his father had returned. After Selim is guided away by the butler, Riza chats with Mrs. Bradley some more and Mrs. Bradley reveals that Selim is from King Bradley's side of the family. After leaving the Fuhrer's residence, Riza realizes something doesn't add up as King Bradley shouldn't have any family, and suddenly she hears Selim's voice from behind her saying that she discovered his secret. Realizing she's in mortal danger, Riza nonetheless demands to know who or what Selim is, and Selim answers that he is Pride, the first homunculus. Pride harasses Riza with his shadowy tendrils and warns Riza that he is always be her shadow before disappearing.

Evil come in all sizes, big and small.

Back at the Briggs fortress, Kimblee briefs Ed on the Fuhrer's three orders. Order 1 is to track down Scar; order 2 is track down Dr. Marcoh who may be traveling with Scar; and order 3 is to carve a bloody crest at Briggs, and by this Kimblee means the killing of many people a la Ishval. Ed is shocked and angered by the third order, but Kimblee tells him to calm down as Winry is right next door. Ed asks why Kimblee is helping the homunculi despite knowing their goal, and Kimblee states that he wants to see the historic moment in the battle between humans and the homunculi. To Kimblee, there is no better purpose in life, and he helps the homunculi because they give him free reins to use his alchemy. Kimblee then tries to sweeten the deal for Ed by offering up a Philosopher's Stone upon completing of the orders. Ed asks to talk to Winry because he doesn't want to keep her in the dark forever, and Kimblee agree but will watch over the talk.

Time for a road trip!

A short time later in Ed and Al's holding cell, Ed reveals to Winry that the military is using her as hostage to force him to act as a human weapon. Ed also reveals that he will receive a Philosopher's Stone for completing the mission. After the discussion, Ed tells Kimblee to let him search for Scar first and that he needs Al's help to fight Scar, and Kimblee agrees to both requests. As Kimblee's party is about to head out of the fortress, Winry suddenly runs out and jams herself into Al and Ed's car. Kimblee initially objects to Winry coming along, but eventually relents when Ed and Winry are busy arguing with each other. As the search party heads out, Ed tells Winry that he can't ensure her safety. Winry knows this, but in her heart she is even more scared of sitting around and not being able to do anything.


The big secret is finally out!!! Selim Bradley is actually Pride! I was pretty surprised when I read this part of the manga. Before this part of the story, there was nothing concrete to indicate that Selim was the oldest and most powerful homunculi, and that's why it was such a surprise. Compared to his cheerful and childish facade as Selim, Pride's real personality is almost the exact opposite; cold, creepy, and calculating. We have not seen the extent of Pride's abilities yet, but the fact that his shadow can extend all the way to Briggs already indicates that he is a class above the other homunculi. It's not as if the good guys don't have enough problems to deal with, but we know Pride is definitely going to make things even more difficult for our heroes.

Back to the north, the Elrics are finally able to head out now that Winry has provided Ed with the right gear. As expected, the bad guys are after Scar and Marcoh, and they also want bloodshed to complete the giant transmutation circle. The Elrics will have to play along for now and hopefully find an opportunity to resist along the way. The upcoming adventure marks the first time in the series that Winry has accompanied the Elrics on a mission, and it so happens to be a mission about Scar. We'll see if Winry can dispel the notion that she is just some object to be protected, although I wouldn't expect to actually take part in any combat. It'll also be interesting to see how Winry reacts to Scar this time.

Last notes on this episode: I enjoyed the comedic segment where Winry was fixing up Ed's automail where Ed got embarrassed after realizing Riza is right about him falling in love Winry(Riza is always right). The subsequent interaction with Buccaneer was also quite amusing.

The next episode should be start of the main action component of this story arc. As seen in the previews, Kimblee has brought a couple of chimera soldiers along to fight Scar, and that should result in exciting battles.

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