Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 35

After stopping Sloth, Olivier gets the Elrics to tell the truth about what's happening in the country.

Sloth pumping some serious iron.

After Olivier comes up with a plan to stop Sloth, Buccaneer forcefully recruits the Elrics and Falman for the plan. With everything in place, Olivier and her trio of tanks ram Sloth into the elevator which is sent down to the level with the exposed walkway. The confused Sloth walks out of the elevator and immediately gets fuel spilled onto him by Buccaneer's group and is pushed over the railings with a combined effort from Olivier's tank, Falman, and the Elrics. The fuel spilled onto Sloth is cold weather fuel that evaporates even in the middle of winter, and with blizzard conditions outside Sloth is quickly frozen. After freezing Sloth, Olivier orders Buccaneer to put the Elrics into the fort's holding cells so she can question them later. The next morning, the Elrics are thanked by several soldiers for helping during Sloth's invasion, but the soldiers still wouldn't let the Elrics out of their cell.

Elrics double team kick!

Briggs soldiers: we can't release you guys, but we can keep you guys entertained by singing Xmas carols.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Meanwhile, Miles is at a local hospital visiting the injured Kimblee. Miles state the Briggs will handle the search and capture of Scar, but Kimblee tells Miles to just lure Scar in as Scar is his prey. In response, Miles shows his Kimblee his Ishvalan red eyes and warns Kimblee to watch his mouth. After Miles leaves, Kimblee is visited by General Raven who has brought an alchemy doctor to heal Kimblee's injuries.

Miles: What did you say about my sideburns, Mr. Antenna Hair?

It's the "Magic Touch".

In the abandoned cabin out in the wilderness, Marcoh and May continue to study the book from Scar's brother. Marcoh has trouble understanding Xingese alchemy, but May is there to offer explanations to how Xingese alchemy is powered by a flow of chi in the earth. Marcoh states that Amestrian alchemy is powered by tectonic shifts in the earth's plates, but May feels that the shifts deep underground may be created a mass of people.

I would have connected the smaller pentagon into a star, but that's just me.

Back at Briggs, Olivier's soldiers have gone down to the tunnel that Sloth dug and found it to be surprisingly large. Olivier then summons Buccaneer, the Elrics and Falman down into the tunnels so they can talk in secret. With no one else around, Olivier demands that the Elrics tell her everything about the homunculi, and the brothers finally agree to share the information. Olivier then asks the Elrics about the tunnel and Ed states that it's probably a transmutation circle. Laying out a map, Ed asks Falman about all the bloody conflicts that has happened in Amestris' history, and after connecting all the dots Ed and the group are shocked that the map is showing the Philosopher's Stone transmutation circle. Falman also realizes that all of the conflicts had something to do with the Central military, and the Elrics realize that Maes Hughes was murdered for discovering this. The group comes to conclusion that the entire country may have been created for the purpose of building this giant transmutation circle, and Olivier can see from the map that the next bloodshed will happen near Briggs. At this moment, a soldier arrives to inform Olivier that General Raven has arrived, and Ed asks Olivier to bait Raven about talking about military's plans.

Olivier shows off her acting skills...

... and the Elrics are impressed.

In the upper levels, Miles greets General Raven and is then tasked with taking Kimblee for a tour of the fortress. Soon after, Olivier has her meeting with Raven while the Elrics and Buccaneer listen through hidden microphone in the room. During the meeting, Olivier talks about how she's afraid of getting old to bait Raven. Raven eventually takes the bait and asks Olivier if she's interested in an immortal army.


Not much in terms of action this week, but out of nowhere we suddenly received answers to several important questions in the series. The show probably could have fit the conclusion of the fight against Sloth into last episode if they didn't spend so much time chatting at the first half of last week. Anyways, Olivier's plan to freeze Sloth worked out quite well and it was cool (or cold... lol bad joke) that she took advantage of Brigg's winter conditions. Theoretically this should hold Sloth still until spring, but since Raven has arrived Sloth won't be sticking around for long.

The important part of this episode was the conversation down in the tunnels, and the brothers and Olivier finally figure out what Father and the homunculi are up to. The conclusion is that Father has created the whole nation of Amestris just for the purpose of setting up the giant alchemy array. We don't know what Father is trying to achieve by setting up the big circle, but the popular theory seems to be that Father is going to use the Philosopher's Stone created from the transmutation to pay for all of knowledge inside the Gate of Truth, and as such he would essentially become a god. Nothing has been confirmed though, so hopefully this doesn't constitute as a spoiler. Anyways, the Elrics and Olivier now have a good idea of what the bad guys are planning and what's going to happen next, and we'll just have to see what they do about it. Olivier already started by baiting Raven and she has surprisingly good acting skills. Even the Elrics and Falmans are impressed lol.

While this episode may have answered of what Sloth of doing and several other important questions, there are other unanswered mysteries such as the power source of Amestrian alchemy that Marcoh and May are looking at. The characters are starting to gather up in the North with the arrival of Raven and Kimblee, and this means Scar won't be far behind. The story is in the process of building up again, but it'll probably be a few episodes before we see any major action.

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