Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Amanchu! 13

Hikari and Katori-sensei go flower-viewing in the early summer rain.

What kind of student grabs her teacher by the head so casually?

Summer has arrived and with it comes the rain. The rain seems to have dampened the mood of the students at Yumegaoka High, and Katori-sensei notices that Futaba, Ai, and Makoto all seem to be different than their usual selves. After school, Katori-sensei prepares to go home but she notices Hikari heading away from the bus station. Katori-sensei follows Hikari to the train station and on to a train out of curiosity, and on the train Hikari finally notices her teacher following her. Before Katori-sensei can ask Hikari where she's going, Hikari turns Katori-sensei towards the window and the two of them see a wall of hydrangea flash by. Katori-sensei is impressed by the sight, but she finds out that this was the only reason why Hikari boarded the train. Hikari explains that she has a limited amount of memory so she'll work really hard for every wonderful experience. Katori-sensei finds Hikari's words to be childish but make a surprising amount of sense. The two of them then get off the train in the next stop and catch to return train to view the hydrangeas again.

Hydrangeas are really nice plants.


A short chapter this month with the main focus on Katori-sensei. Other than showing off Hikari's usual infectious self, this chapter shows that Katori-sensei also fits in well with the student characters. Even though Katori is a teacher, the way she interacts with Hikari is almost like they were peers, but that may be just because Hikari is accidentally disrespectful due to her enthusiasm. You'll never see me grabbing my teacher's head and jerking it towards the window lol. I suppose this is why Katori-sensei whacks Hikari on the head from time to time.

An interesting note in this chapter is that Tea the cat seems to belong to Katori-sensei. I thought Tea was just a random cat who hung out near the diving club, but it makes more sense if it was Katori's cat.

A somewhat off-topic note: Hikari mentioned that hydrangea is only viewable during that late spring/early summer period in her area. I'm not sure what the climate in that part of Japan is like, but over here in the Pacific Northwest hydrangeas bloom from early summer all the way to mid fall or something like that. Some of them can change the color of their bloom too which is really cool. That's all for my off-topic note.

If I'm not mistaken, this is Amanchu!'s one year anniversary. Congratulations to Amano-sensei. Amanchu! thus far has been an enjoyable slice-of-life series that is in many ways similar to Aria, and actually Amanchu! has been even more "leisurely paced". 13 chapters in, Futaba still haven't gone diving in the ocean and we didn't have all that many diving chapters in total. I'm a little disappointed over the lack of ocean diving chapters, but I probably shouldn't be expecting the story to go anywhere any time soon. On the hand, it looks like most of the important characters have been introduced, and currently we have two protagonist and three main supporting characters. I really liked the introduction of Big Sister Ai into the core group since she adds some much needed spunk when it became apparent that Katori-sensei isn't actually fierce. It's not as fun if all the characters are really nice. Let's see what the next year will bring for this series.

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