Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 36

Olivier tries to get more information out of Raven about the plan for immortality.

Hohenheim is crying because he's allergic to kids.

In the wilderness somewhere in Amestris, Hohenheim calls out the names of several people and stabs his own chest with his fingers. Several splatters of blood fall to the ground and they quickly slip into soil. Afterwards, Hohenheim takes a trip down memory lane to 13 years ago when he was still living with Trisha and his kids. Hohenheim initially thought of himself as a monster, but after some convincing from Trisha Hohenheim decided to find a way to live and die with his family. However, in the process of his research, Hohenheim discovered something related the Philosopher's Stone and this made him leave his wife and kids.

Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

Somewhere underground at Briggs, an expedition team is traveling down the tunnel that Sloth dug and they loose communications with home base. The team decides to continue on, but suddenly they are attacked by shadowy tendrils. Back inside the fortress, Raven asks Olivier if she wants to join in on the immortality plan, but the conversation is interrupted when 2nd Lieutenant Henschel reports that they've lost contact with the expedition team. Olivier goes to investigate what happened and Raven insists on tagging along. Since the meeting between Olivier and Raven is over, Buccaneer and Falman transfer the Elrics, and on the way they have a short run-in with Miles and Kimblee.

Don't worry Olivier. You'll get to cut him up soon enough.

This happens so often that Ed is used to it by now.

At the base level of the fortress near the hole Sloth created, Henschel reports that only a horse returned with a soldier's arm. Olivier is about to send a rescue team, but Raven interrupts and tells Olivier to throw Sloth back in and seal the hole. Olivier follows the command despite Henschel's protests and Sloth is towed back into the base and let back into the tunnel to resume digging. After Sloth is put back into the tunnel, Raven explains to the Briggs soldiers that Sloth is a chimera created by Central and is on an important mission, so the soldiers should quickly seal the hole.

In the cabin out in the Briggs wilderness, Marcoh runs into more difficulties with Scar's brother's book as part of the research is written in ancient Ishvalan. Outside the cabin, two Briggs soldier spot May in the window, but the soldiers are quickly knocked out by the arriving Scar. Scar and Yoki then meet up with May and Marcoh and the group journey towards another location.

That's for putting your grubby hands on me!

Several days later inside Briggs fortress, the hole in the base level is almost sealed up and Olivier and Raven are personally overseeing the concrete pouring. Meanwhile, Kimblee phones into Central and receives new orders. Kimblee wants to relay these orders to Raven, but Miles has other ideas and confronts Kimblee in order to buy time for Olivier. In the base level, Raven tells Olivier that there will be a new seat waiting for her back in Central, but Olivier pulls out her sword and stabs Raven in the arm. Olivier states that the only seat she needs is the one that Raven will vacate, and she kills Raven and pushes him into the hardening concrete. After killing Raven, Olivier orders work to continue and tells Buccaneer to contact Miles. Henschel asks Olivier to unseal the hole and send a rescue team for the missing soldiers, but Olivier soon reveals that there was another entrance to the tunnel. Meanwhile, Miles gets the news and tells Kimblee that Raven has gone missing, but instead of being concerned, Kimblee is quite happy because now he is in charge on the Fuhrer's orders.

Is that any way to greet your childhood friend?

In the holding area of the fortress, one of the automail mechs tells the Elrics that Olivier had disposed of Raven. The Elrics are then visited by Kimblee, and to the Elrics' surprise Kimblee has brought Winry along to equip Ed with northern automail. Kimblee then reveals that it was the Fuhrer's idea to send Winry.

In Central, Mustang is meeting with a woman in his car, and Mustang learns from the woman that Raven and Kimblee went to Briggs. After the woman leaves, Mustang is approached by a flower vendor who claims to have a message from Olivier.


The episode started off on a bit slowly with that segment of Hohenheim that didn't really fit in anywhere, but the rest of the episode continued strengthening the Briggs storyline and brought several important developments. The Hohenheim flashback was kind of touching and explained why Hohenheim left, but it really doesn't give us much information about Hohenheim's origins. Back to the north, Raven finally shows his true colors, but he forgets about Olivier's reputation and that he is not in Central anymore. The scene where Olivier finally disposes of Raven was quite satisfying to watch since he was the very definition of "corrupt". Raven got what he deserved, and what's even worse for Raven is that Kimblee and the other people on his side don't really give a damn about him either.

Another notable scene was that happened down in the tunnels. I'm not going to reveal who is behind those shadowy tendrils to avoid spoiling the secret for non-manga readers, but you can probably guess from the shape of the tendrils (they resemble the tendrils from within the Gate of Truth) that it's someone from Father's side who's killing the soldiers.

The final big development in this episode was Winry's arrival, but it's not a big surprise. She had to show up sooner or later to equip Ed with northern automail. Now that Winry has shown up, it's obvious that the Elrics won't be stuck inside the fortress for very long. The bad guys still have plans for the Elrics, and with Winry dangled before their eyes, it'll be hard for the Elrics to resist.

With Scar arrival, the stage is set near the Briggs for some explosive confrontations. Let's see how Olivier proceeds from now on and what Kimblee has in mind for the Elrics.

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