Friday, November 27, 2009

Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne 10

The highly anticipated Reina vs. Tomoe fight.

Is it possible to get drunk on milk?

List of shoddy highlights:
- Nanael is still pissed off the Melona stole her holy milk and she and Melpha goes to a bar to drink milk. While at the bar Nanael learns from waitress Nyx that there is "horned monster" roaming the woods in the city. Nanael thinks that monster is Melona, and she and Melpha goes off into the woods to investigate. Instead of finding Melona, Nanael and Melpha discover that the "horned monster" is actually Tomoe who has cut down a nice patch of bamboo from training.

- Claudette tells Elina to go back to the castle and take care of good ol' dad since neither she nor Reina can stand him anymore. Elina reluctantly agrees and goes to molest say goodbye to Reina before leaving with her entourage.

Without the holy milk, Nanael doesn't even have the power to lift Reina.

- After Elina's goodbye, Reina is approached by Nanael who wants Reina to take out Tomoe. Nanael thinks that her only hope of completing her mission is for Reina to win, but Reina isn't going to stoop so low as to sneak attack Tomoe. The two eventually run into Yummil, and none of them notices Melona lurking nearby.

- Nanael and Reina follow Yummil back to her shop where Nanael reveals that Aldra is afraid of the holy milk. Since the holy milk can counter heavenly powers, it means that some heavenly being is living within Aldra. Unbeknownst to the three woman, the Rana hanging out with them is actually Melona in disguise, and Melona quickly leaves after learning Aldra's secret.

- The Queen's Blade match starts and Reina is summoned to Japan to fight against Tomoe who now sports silver hair in addition of sporting Shizuka's headband. While the match is happening, Yummil sets up a stage in front of her shop to sell cheap replicas of Reina's sword.

Go Tomoe go!!!

This is now a light sword fight.

- Having home court advantage, Tomoe blasts out of the gates and pummels Reina with good variety of attacks. During the fight, Tomoe reveals that she had killed Shizuka much to Reina's disbelief. Tomoe then powers up for a finishing slash. Reina tries to counter with the Dragon Tail but is sent sprawling to the floor. However, Reina is able to get up and strangely her sword starts to glow just like Tomoe's, and this cause Aldra and her shadow some concern. Having received the miraculous power-up, Reina fights evenly with Tomoe. Both warriors attempt their finishers again, and this time Reina's Dragon Tail blows Tomoe away. After being defeated, Tomoe's hair turns back to black, and Reina walks over to give Tomoe a hug. The two combatants are then teleported away, but Tomoe is teleported into Aldra's collections room.

Wouldn't be much a fight without explosions.

While Reina may have won the match, the real winner here is Yummil.

- Thanks to Reina's win, Yummil has sold a lot of her replica swords. While counting her money, Yummil learns that Rana has been sleeping all morning and begins to sense that something was amiss during the morning's conversation. Meanwhile, Melona has arrived at the base of Aldra's castle


As expected, Reina defeats Tomoe by some magical fluke after being dominated for most of the match. The fight was decent enough for the most part, and Tomoe showed a nice variety of kick and sword attacks. As for Reina, well... she's Reina, and the only move she really has is Dragon Tail. That and her sword started glowing, which must count for something since Aldra and her shadow started worrying. Aldra and her shadow have seen the glow before, and I'm guessing that it might have something to do with Reina's mother Maria since Reina is using her mother's armor and sword. Reina's new powers is a predictable development since she'll need something to fight against Aldra, but I'm sure that the holy milk will come into play at the end as well. I think there's still a good chance the Aldra will be defeated when someone spills the holy milk on to her.

So in the end Reina beats Tomoe, and Tomoe gets transported to Aldra's collections room where it looks like Aldra will work her magic on Tomoe. Aldra already has Risty as her servant, but I suppose she can always use another one. Lets see if Tomoe can escape, or perhaps we'll have another Tomoe vs. Reina match with Tomoe being evil? The next episode is also the big Risty vs. Reina showdown. The fight will probably go similarly to the Tomoe vs. Reina fight we just saw, except Risty will probably get a Terminatrix power-up somewhere during the fight.

And I wonder what happened to Echidna. She hasn't lost in the tournament yet, but here has been no mention of her since Irma's defeat. Did she leave with Irma?

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