Thursday, November 12, 2009

Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne 08

Nanael fights two matches in a row, and Reina gets her new sword.

Exciting aerial battle! What a view!

List of shoddy highlights:
- In Aldora's collections room, Airi tries to inform Nanael of Aldora's bad intentions, but Nanael is too thickheaded to listen and attacks Airi. However, Nanael underestimates her opponent and Airi causes Nanael to spill most of her holy milk on to the petrified Mellona. The two combatants then engage in a fierce aerial battle which involved the two smashing out of and back into the room. It looks like Airi has the chance to land the finishing blow, but the ghost maid runs out of energy (because she hasn't eaten for a while) and disappears into nothingness. Nanael leaves to celebrate her victory, and Aldora decides to let her go because of the holy milk.

Paying the ultimate price for being a shotacon.

- Even though the match wasn't aired, Rana knows that Airi is gone. While feeling bummed out on the street, Rana runs into Yummil. After hearing Rana's story about what happened to Cattleya, Yummil feels bad for Rana but she can't take him in. As Yummil heads off to work on Reina's sword, Rana offers up help and he provides his mother's toolkit to Yummil.

- The next morning Rana drags Reina to Yummil's shop to show Reina her reforged sword. After hearing Rana's story, Reina promises to win the tournament and free Rana's parents.

Reina finally gets some payback.

- Soon after, Reina is summoned for a match against Nanael in the courtyards of Melpha's church. Nanael thinks beating Reina is a piece of cake, but she soon finds out that Reina is much stronger than before. At the same time, Reina is surprised by the lightness and control of her new sword. After a few exchanges Reina sends Nanael sprawling, and the weak-willed Nanael decides to give up.

Look who's back.

- Thanks to the holy milk, Mellona is able to break out of her crystal prison and escapes from Aldora's collections room. Mellona then travels to the church and makes contact with Nanael, stating that she has a plan to defeat Aldora.

Those thousands of soldiers cleared out rather quickly after hearing that they'll be a Queen's Blade match in the courtyard.

- Back at the Vance castle, Count Vance gathers his troops and plans to attack Gainos in order to regain the throne, but Aldora foresaw the move and she places the next Queen's Blade match with Claudette vs. Risty right into the Vance castle's courtyard.

- The ED sequence now features Menace who sings her own version of the ED song.


Another decent episode of Queen's Blade. This season of the show is actually turning out to be half-decent even from a story perspective. Obviously the story isn't what I'd call great, but it's more or less coherent, has drama (with the character deaths), and actually seems to be building up to something.

Anyways, Airi bites the dust this episode mostly because Rana forced her to go on a zero-calorie (or in her case, zero-soul) diet. Just goes to show that loving shotas can be a dangerous habit. Airi's aerial battle with Nanael was actually quite good despite its short length. Nanael managed to pull off the narrow victory due to Airi running out of gas, but soon after she gets stomped by Reina and her new sword. Reina whooping Nanael is nothing too surprising (Nanael is the only person who deserves to be beaten by Reina), but I didn't think that Nanael would have to fight twice during one episode. It seems that Nanael's terrible performances may have caught Melpha's attention, and Melpha definitely won't like it when she finds Nanael conspiring with Mellona.

Speaking of Mellona conspiring with Nanael, I'm sure after a while Mellona will want to hack Nanael's head off. I'm guessing the key to defeating Aldora is in the holy milk that Nanael is carrying, and if my prediction proves to correct then the series will end with someone spilling the milk on to Aldora. Actually, that would be the perfect ending to the series. Aldora wasn't afraid of Mellona's acid milk, but the holy milk might be a different story.

Lastly, the next two matches have been set with Risty taking on Claudette in the Vance courtyards and Reina vs. Tomoe for later. Since Reina will probably fight both Tomoe and Risty (for maximum drama), Risty will probably defeat Claudette. I was expecting that Reina would fight Tomoe as the last match of the tournament given they are the two main characters of the series. Since Shizuka really did die to teach Tomoe a lesson about not being friendly with opponents, I'm really hoping that Tomoe beat Reina, but I have a feeling that Reina will win by a fluke. Tomoe is fighting for her country and her dead best friend. What is Reina fighting for? So that she can escape the pampered life of being a countess? She really had no business being in the tournament in the first place. I'm going to feel really bad for Tomoe if she loses.

Additional note: I wonder how Echidna and Mellona fit into the tournament. Echidna is presumably still in the game since she hasn't lost yet, and Mellona was originally a participant as well.

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