Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gantz 307

The real battle for Tokyo has begun.

It seem that all invading aliens must have giant spaceships.

As the mountain sized alien space ship lands in Tokyo, the Japanese armed forces have responded but are fighting a losing battle. As the fighters are blown out of the sky during dogfights with the alien aircrafts, soldiers and tanks rush onto the streets to take on the big alien troopers and the smaller monsters that accompany them. Amidst the chaos on the streets, Sakurai and Tonkotsu are desperately trying to stay alive. In a still-standing skyscraper, a man uses his telescope to look at the humongous alien space ship and he spots what looks like alien civilians standing near the windows watching the battle outside.

Don't waste bullets on the armored troopers. Take them out with tanks and bazookas.

On the rooftop of their high school, Kurono #1 and Tae are stunned by the landing of the mountain sized alien space ship, but Kurono refuses to give up. Just as a couple of Kurono's classmates (his bullies) arrive at the rooftop, Kurono takes out his H-gun and crushes one of the two alien troopers standing in the school fields. The other troopers responds by firing discs which barely miss Kurono's classmates. Kurono fires again with his H-gun and sends the trooper sprawling to the ground. To Kurono and everyone else's surprise, a large 4-eyed alien emerges out of the trooper armor and it swears at Kurono in some alien dialect.

Kurono's response to the alien: I don't understand what you are saying, but I'm assuming you are asking for another application of the H-gun, which I'll be more than happy to oblige.


After two chapters of nothing but the aliens trashing Tokyo, it looks like we are getting some meaningful developments in the story again. First of all, it looks like the mountain-sized alien ship is actually a civilian city ship of sorts, which hints that the alien forces are planning to take over Earth and make it their new home. Given the alien's hostile first move, this is probably more along the lines of an Independence Day scenario rather than a District 9 scenario.

Secondly, the humans are finally fighting back. The air force isn't doing too well against the alien aircrafts, but the ground forces are actually not doing too badly against the alien troopers. The Tokyo team has also taken its first shot at the aliens, and given Kurono #1 is the main man, it's only appropriate that he'd be the one to make the first move. I doubt Nishi will be far behind though. He'll probably be dual-wielding his H-guns and crushing aliens left and right. The alien troopers don't look too strong (and they are kind of slow) and can be taken down with H-guns, and presumably H-guns should also work on the smaller monsters that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Lol things appearing out of nowhere seems to be a theme in Gantz. Unfortunately, there are still the Godzilla-sized mechs and the fast flying aircrafts to worry about, and I still don't see how the Tokyo team can take on these enemies without a major weapons upgrade. Anyways, our hero Kurono #1 has taken the first shot at the aliens, so lets see if his teammates will follow the lead.

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