Monday, November 9, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist 101

It's a roller-coaster ride in the underground tunnels below Central.

At the secret stairways heading underground, Sig, Olivier, Alex and the troops are still shocked by the sudden disappearance of Izumi, although Alex has an inkling about what happened. One of the Brigg's troops receive a call from the front gate, and the trooper reports to Olivier about the passing of Buccaneer and most of his subordinates. After learning Buccaneer died with a smile on his face, Olivier rallies everyone else to keep moving forward.

Reinforcements have arrived!!

In the underground tunnels, Riza is bleeding badly from the cut on her neck while Mustang and Scar are both restrained. The crazy doctor states if Mustang performs a human transmutation then he'll heal Riza, and he even shows up his vial of Philosopher's Stone to taunt Mustang. Mustang looks at Riza in desperation, and Riza gives him a look in return. Getting Riza's message, Mustang states that he refuses to perform the human transmutation much to the surprise of the doctor. The doctor is suddenly grabbed from above by Jelso's mucus, and Zapano and May drop in and take out some of the swordsmen, allowing Mustang and Scar to free themselves. While being suffocated by Jelso's mucus, the doctor drops his vial of Philosopher's Stone. Both May and Mustang scramble for the vial but it is kicked away in the midst of the battle. One of the swordsmen charges Mustang but he is kicked away by the arriving Darius. With the Philosopher's Stone lying in one direction and the injured Riza in the other, May is forced into a tough decision and she decides to seal up Riza's wound first. After Riza's bleeding is stopped and all of the swordsmen are defeated, May goes to grab the Philosopher's Stone but the vial is picked up by Wrath who had swum through the sewers. Wrath asks Mustang if he would consider human transmutation if someone important to him is about to die. Mustang answers that the old him would have of considered it, but the current him will just move forward. In response, Wrath states that the notion that humans can change and adapt really pisses him off.

Looks like Pride has picked up a new trick while he was away.

Suddenly, Jelso is cut up and falls to the ground along with the doctor, and Pride makes his way in from the overhead tunnel that Jelso was occupying. As Pride forces the other away with his tendrils, Wrath picks up two swords and stakes Mustang to the ground through the alchemist's palms. Using his tendrils, Pride pierces the doctor and forms a transmutation circle around Wrath and Mustang, and in a flash all of them disappear. Back on the surface, the unsuspecting people are getting ready to watch the solar eclipse.


This chapter was definitely a roller-coaster ride. First it went up, then it crashed through the ground! First thing first though: Hawkeye fans rejoice, because Riza has been saved!!! May and the chimeras dropped in at the right moment, and thanks to May's handy healing alchemy Riza isn't in any immediate danger of dying. I've been wondering where May and the chimeras went, and did they show up at the right moment or what? Riza is saved; the swordsmen were defeated; the doctor was captured. Everything looked great for Mustang's crew at that point.

...and then everything went wrong again. First Wrath showed up pocketing the Philosopher's Stone that May and Mustang had wanted. Wrath was in bad shape from his fight at the gate and he probably didn't pose that big of a threat by himself. For a moment I thought Wrath might use absorb the Philosopher's Stone to heal himself, but he just pocketed it instead which means he probably doesn't have that ability. Anyways, while everyone is focused on Wrath, Pride finally reappears and changes the battlefield in favor of the homunculi. Just like May had appeared in the right time to save Riza, Pride appeared at the right time to take Mustang away. It seems that after absorbing Kimblee, Pride is capable of using alchemy, because it doesn't make sense for Mustang or Wrath to activate the circle to sacrifice the doctor. I'm not sure if this counts as Mustang performing human alchemy, but maybe the bad guys just needed to transport Mustang to Father's chamber. I have to give a special mention to Wrath, who despite being badly injured still managed to pin Mustang to the ground. Mustang should have released the flames closer to his body to force Wrath back on that charge instead of trying to hit Wrath and having the alchemy overshoot.

Looks like Father has all of human sacrifices in place and the eclipse is about to happen. Things are not looking so great for the good guys, but there are still plenty of them left and I wonder which group (Scar's group or Olivier's group, and maybe even Marcoh's group) will reach Father's chamber first to back up Ed and the other human sacrifices. The final final showdown is drawing near. Can't wait to see what happens.

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