Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 31

The Elrics, Mustang, Scar, and the bad guys plan out what they're going to do next.

Ed leaves Riza's apartment and meets up with Al on the streets. Ed tells Al about what he heard from Riza and the brothers renew their vow to retrieve their bodies. Ed also plans to ask May about her Xingese alchemy (and why her and Scar's alchemy worked when everyone else's alchemy didn't), but unfortunately May has left Knox's house and so the Elrics are forced to look for her.

Even though your lower body is immobilized, it doesn't mean you can neglect your upper body.

A rather lonely office.

Meanwhile, Mustang's subordinates are saying goodbye to their colonel and each other before heading off to their new assignments. After saying goodbye to Riza, Mustang opens the chess set he received from General Grumman and retrieves a hidden note from inside the white king piece. Later in the day, Ed and Al are in the process of looking for May when they are picked up by Mustang. During the ride back to the Elric's hotel, Mustang promises to help the Elrics look for May. Mustang also wants Ed to return the money he borrowed, but Ed states that he'll return it when Mustang becomes the Fuhrer. After dropping off the Elrics, Mustang visits a club run by Madame Xmas, and Mustang hands the note he retrieved from the chess set to Madame Xmas. In Eastern HQ, a subordinate informs General Grumman that Madame Xmas has called him through the secure line.

This looks more like an opossum than a mini-panda.

Don't slam the car door like that! Repairs come out of my own pocket you know.

Having parted ways with Mustang, the Elrics return to their hotel room and is surprised to find Fu waiting for them inside. The three go to Knox's house to visit Ran Fan, and Fu is both angered and saddened: angered by the fact that Ran Fan has failed to protect Ling, and saddened that his granddaughter has lost an arm. Despite the Elrics' offer to introduce Ran Fan to an automail mechanic, Fu states that it's better for him and Ran Fan to take care of things themselves. Before leaving, Fu and Ran Fan thanks Knox for his services, and Knox is somewhat embarrassed over the thanks.

Nice suit, Fu.

Think of this as a reward for your good deeds, Knox.

After all of the visitors have left, Knox thinks about his experience as a coroner during the Ishval War and the thanks he received from May and Ran Fan. Someone knocks at the door and Knox is surprised to see his ex-wife and son standing outside the house. Knox's ex-wife and son have some business in Central and decides to come to visit, and Knox's son states that he wants to be a doctor just like his father. After inviting his son and ex-wife in, tears stream down from Knox's eyes while he is preparing coffee.

So, where to?

In the Central prison, Kimblee is thinking back to the crime that landed him in jail. During the Ishval War, Kimblee refused to return the Philosopher's Stone killed the military officials who gave him the stone. To Kimblee's surprise, a guard informs him that he has been released from prison. Outside the prison, Kimblee is picked up by Envy who wants Kimblee to track down Marcoh. Envy found a headless body in Marcoh's holding cell but one of the chimeras in the cell was also missing. Given Marcoh is a skilled biological alchemist, Envy thinks that Marcoh escaped with Scar. Kimblee is given a new Philosopher's Stone and ordered to capture Marcoh. Kimblee is free to kill Scar and in order to punish Marcoh Envy suggests that they destroy an entire village, and Kimblee likes the idea.

Scar's patented facial reconfiguration surgery. Effectiveness guaranteed or your money back!

In a back alley, Scar, Marcoh and Yoki are rejoined by May. Scar explains that he let Marcoh live because he still has questions for the Doctor. Scar hopes that Marcoh can decipher the alchemy research of his late brother who had noted that Amestrian alchemy was strange. Scar has hidden his brother's research up in the north, but before heading off Scar uses his right hand to disfigure Marcoh so that the enemies will have a harder time recognizing him.


Another transitional episode, but the story is now back on the upswing and building towards the next big development. This episode covered most of the notable characters and what they are going to do from now on. Several characters such as Fu, Ran Fan, and some of Mustang's subordinates have been taken out of the action, and "new" characters like Marcoh and Kimblee are brought into focus. Since Kimblee has been asked to track down Marcoh and Scar's group, a showdown between Scar and Kimblee is inevitable. The homunculi seems to be have quite trusting of Kimblee despite his bloodthirsty nature, but maybe it is because of this appetite for destruction that the homunculi value Kimblee as an agent in their schemes.

Moving on, despite losing all of his subordinates, the ever resilient Mustang hooks up with his old buddy General Grumman in his schemes to overthrow the Fuhrer. I guess the Colonel really wants his money back from Ed lol. As for the Elrics, where they're going will probably be revealed next week. May is also back and it's surprising how easily she was able to locate Scar. We know Xingese can easily track homunculi, but do they have a special technique for tracking regular people?

Basically, the story is turning to a new direction, and it'll probably be a while until we see any big developments. Not much else to say at this point.

Last note: the animation and facial shapes in this episode looked a little different than before. Hopefully this doesn't mean that the animation quality is going downhill.

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