Saturday, October 10, 2009

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 02

Mikoto and Kuroko celebrate their one month anniversary as roommates.

Who's that suspicious-looking guy in the lower right corner?

Welcome back!!!

I wonder why Kuroko's cheeks aren't swollen by now given how often Mikoto pinches her.

Short Summary:
Mikoto is out buying something with Ruiko and Kazari, but she spots Touma and chases him into an alley. Mikoto corners Touma and tries to fry him, but Touma is able to escape with Imagine Breaker. Back in the school dorms, Kuroko is getting ready to celebrate one month anniversary of her and Mikoto being roommates, but her plans are thwarted when Mikoto brings back Kazari and Ruiko back for a visit. After fooling around with Kuroko's underwear and Mikoto photo collections, Kuroko starts to feel that she's being ignored. Kuroko mentions about the anniversary, but Mikoto states that it's no cause for celebration since on that day Kuroko stayed in Mikoto's room without permission. The other girls then discover that Kuroko had ordered aphrodisiac to drug Mikoto for the celebration, and Mikoto blows out the door in anger. Mikoto and Kuroko get ready to fight in the halls, but they are caught by the school's fearsome superintendent.

Kuroko is floored by Mikoto's joke-telling skills.

For a moment I thought the superintendent had broken Kuroko's neck.

As a result of their indiscretion, the next day Kuroko and Mikoto are given pool cleaning duties. Kuroko has spike her own water bottle with aphrodisiac and tries to offer Mikoto a sip, but Mikoto refuses. Two of Kuroko's classmates from the swimming club show up and they start chatting with Mikoto, and Kuroko again feel like she's being ignored. After the classmates leave, Kuroko can't take it anymore and starts crying, saying that she's not good enough for Mikoto. Mikoto comforts Kuroko by stating that today is the real one-month anniversary between them, since a month ago both of them were cleaning the lobby because Kuroko stayed in Mikoto's room. To celebrate, Mikoto gives Kuroko a T-shirt that she had bought with help from Kazari and Ruko, and Kuroko is really pleased about the present. The two friends then take a sip from their water bottles, but Kuroko quickly realizes she drunk from her own spiked bottle. Soon after Kuroko starts acting naughty and she teleports Mikoto's panties away. Mikoto chases Kuroko down and starts shocking Kuroko, but Kuroko refuses to give back the panties. The classmates from the swimming club return to the scene but they decide it's best to just walk away.

Lol Mikoto likes Bunny USA merchandise.

That's some true roommate bonding right there.


Another random, non-serious, Kuroko-yuri-antic-filled episode of Railgun. There was plenty of fan service in the episodes with everyone looking at everyone else's panties and such, but not much in terms of substance. This episode was a little better than the debut since it had some semblance of a plot, but Kuroko messing around isn't exactly the most compelling story ever animated. Kuroko has been portrayed as such a crazy lesbian now that it appears the only thing on her mind is to find a way to violate Mikoto, and therefore her relationship with Mikoto doesn't seem all that sincere to me. During the crying scene in the pool I initially thought that Kuroko was faking it to get Mikoto's guard down. She was definitely fake-crying earlier in the room. Once again, this episode was too much about Kuroko's crazy yuri antics for my tastes.

So the big question is: when does the real story actually start? And when can we see Mikoto and Kuroko kicking ass within a story-arc? Things had better start picking up the next episode because I'm starting to get bored. The only part of this episode that I found enjoyable was at the beginning where Touma showed up. I'm not sure when that meeting was supposed to take place in the timeline of Index though. Sometime before the Misaka arc probably.

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