Friday, October 9, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist 100

In the 100th chapter of FMA, Ling/Greed opens a can of whup-ass on the Central soldiers; the Elrics and Izumi have been gathered before Father; and Mustang is faced with a tough decision.

The Beast from the East.

Ling injures Wrath's left eye with claws, but he gets distracted by the giant transmutation circle activating throughout the city and this allows Wrath to grab and throw him. Both Ling and Wrath end up hanging on the rails over the moat. Ling is pulled up by Ran Fan and the Brigg's soldiers while Wrath falls into the moat and swims into a pipe. Seeing the gravely injured Fu, Ling begs for someone to use his Philosopher's Stone to heal Fu. However, there are no alchemy doctors around and Fu passes away. Buccaneer is also near the end of his life and he asks Ling to guard the gate, and Ling agrees to the request. Ling/Greed completely hardens and starts ripping through the Central soldiers. Meanwhile, Buccaneer gives one final solute to his men before passing away.

At the Hughes house, Elicia and Gracia get ready to watch the solar eclipse.

Deep underground, Ed, Al and Izumi materialize in Father's throne room. Father had managed to snare Hohenheim with his new body and he is just waiting for the Doctor to bring Mustang along. Ed tells Al to get up, but there is no response from Al.


A bit above Father's chamber but still in the underground, the swordsmen manage to capture Scar, Mustang, and Riza. The Doctor tells Mustang to perform a human transmutation. The transmutation doesn't have to successful; Mustang only needs to open the Gate and come back alive. Mustang refuses to comply, and in response one of the swordmen slits Riza's throat.


FMA celebrates its century mark with another exciting chapter. So everyone who was saying that Mustang didn't get teleported because he never performed human transmutation was correct, and now the crazy Doctor is forcing Mustang to open the Gate. With Riza's throat slit, Mustang might not have much a choice unless May and the chimeras suddenly come to their rescue. By the way, where the heck are May and chimeras anyways? Heading towards Father's chamber?

Anyways, things are looking bad for the good guys. Mustang's group are in a big bind; Hohenheim has been defeated; the Elrics and Izumi are facing Father, and on top of that Al is not responding. I wonder if Al is inside the Gate trying to reclaim his body. We know Al's body is still alive inside the Gate, and the summon performed by the Doctor had something to do with the Gate, so this actually seems like a possibility. Back to the real world though, I don't know how Ed and Izumi are going to stand up to Father, but reinforcements are on the way. It seems that Father's plans coincides with the solar eclipse, so if the good guys can hold out long enough that they might foil Father's attempts to transmutate the entire country.

Lastly, Wrath manages to survive the fight with Ling and Greed, although he's pretty banged up. For some reason, Wrath doesn't seem to have the regeneration ability of the other homunculi while Greed does. The two of them are made in the same way, so I don't get why Greed can regenerate but Wrath can't. It's kind of sad that Fu and Buccaneer sacrificed their lives to take down Wrath but Wrath still escaped. Ling finally went into fully-hardened form to take on the soldiers, and I also wonder why he didn't go into that form earlier. Maybe Greed and Wrath will eventually finish the fight, bur for now it looks like all the important characters are heading underground.

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