Friday, October 9, 2009

Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne 03

The conclusion to Nyx vs. Elina, and the start of the second wave of matches.

From hero...

My shoddy list of highlights:
- Nyx burns off Elina's clothes and steps on Elina's face for a bit to savor the sweet revenge. However, Elina recovers and psyches Nyx out and grab Nyx's tentacle staff Funikura, forcing Nyx to submit. After the fight, Nyx is crying on the streets without Funikura in her possession. Turns out Furnikura has been confiscated by Aldora who adds the sentient staff to her frozen enemies collection.

... to zero.

- While Nyx was fighting Elina, Cattleya hands the repaired lightning sword back to Claudette.

Shizuka to Tomoe: It's okay, you'll always have me... and the cake :)

- Reina visits Tomoe and gives Tomoe a cake to celebrate the win, but Tomoe tells Reina not to come by anymore because Shizuka is getting jealous they are both participants in Queen's Blade and therefore shouldn't be too friendly with each other. However, Tomoe and Shizuka are pleased about the cake.

Shouldn't you be able to kick these guys' butts?

- Nowa loses sight of Allean and gets kidnapped by three guys who are about to violate her, but she is saved by Echidna. Allean arrives soon after and tells Echidna to stay away from Nowa and Echidna complies. Nowa asks Allean about Echidna but Allean would not answer.

A little morning stretch never hurts.

- After losing to Tomoe, Melpha tells Nanael that she's planning to leave the church and go on a journey of enlightenment. Afraid of losing her cook/maid, Nanael convinces Melpha to stay with her "angel authority" and the two practice the "Holy Poses" together.

- Menace and Airi are wondering why Mellona hasn't returned, but only Airi seems to remember the task at hand.

- Irma remembers her past: Irma's family was killed during a conflict and Irma was rescued and brought up by Echidna. However, one way day Echidna suddenly joined the Assassins of the Fangs and disappeared, leaving Irma on her own.

What happens when you have four combatants and only one pair of panties?

- The next set of Queen's Blade matches begin. Allean and Nowa are summoned and it appears they are fighting each other in a forest environment. Echidna and Irma and summoned to a similar environment, and Irma takes issue with Echidna abandoning her in the past. The two pairs of combatants fight each other until they realize they are all in the same arena, and the announcer declares that this will be a 2 on 2 match with Echidna and Irma vs. Allean and Nowa.

- In her castle, Aldora assembles the Assassins of the Fang and introduces them to their new leader, Risty (with a delicious Dark Magic Lady makeover).

Evil Risty
Evil Hotness!!!
And no Toonleap, I did not steal your image. I made this on my own. I swear.


A bunch of things happened in this episode, and I guess that's to be expected given how many characters there are in close proximity to each other. Unlike last season, thus far Reina doesn't really seem to be main character in Heir to the Throne, and the focus is mostly on whoever is fighting at the time with some coverage on other characters. I know a few guys who'd agree that the lack of focus on Reina is a good thing lol.

Looking at the episode, I have to say Nyx is terribly weaksauce. How could you let that little aristocratic biatch Elina psych you out? You had her on the ropes! Now that Funikura has been added to Aldora's yellow ice collection, we probably won't be seeing Nyx in action for a while. The next match is interesting involving a master-student pair vs. a former master and student pair, two and a half elves, and only one pair of undies (worn by Irma). Echidna and Irma have a somewhat strained relationship, but if looking only at combat skills I think they are the stronger team. Echidna and Allean are probably even one on one, but Nowa can't handle Irma. However, this is a team battle, and Allean and Nowa probably have better teamwork, so overall it's probably even or maybe a slight advantage to Allean and Nowa's team (that is if Allean doesn't keep pausing in battle to evaluate Nowa's performance lol).

The last piece of important news is that Risty is now evil and the new leader of the Assassins of the Fangs. Having gotten quite the makeover, Risty is looking deliciously evil in that revealing black dress. Smokin' hot.

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