Friday, October 30, 2009

Gantz 306

The devastation continues in Tokyo.

When you thought it couldn't get any worse...

After the Godzilla-sized mechs finished blowing up the tall buildings in Tokyo, a swarm of alien crafts fly by to drop off pairs of three-story-tall troopers to guard the streets. In one of the streets Sakurai and his girlfriend Tonkotsu see a group of people raising their arm in front of a pair of troopers in an attempt to surrender, but one of the troopers fires a spinning disc from its cannon and slices the people into pieces. Many other people across town are being mowed down by these discs and Kato and his brother and Kaze and Takashi are shown fleeing from the discs. Meanwhile, Kurono #1 and Tae climb up to the roof of their schools and spots sets of mountain sized legs descending from the clouds.


This chapter felt like a blatant art showoff. To Oku: I know the graphics for the mechs and troopers were really cool and all, but was it necessary to dedicate 2/3 of the chapter just to showing them off from different angles? Anyways, the story of the final phase is starting to move, and the enemy has deployed a few more weapons including the aircrafts, the smaller (but still large) trooper units, and the ginormous thing that's descending from the skies. This is looking like an operation to takeover Earth, since if extermination is the only goal then it'd be easier to just have the giant mechs blow up everything. We still don't know who the bad guys really are, what they are up to, and how all of this has to do with Gantz. We've had plenty of destruction and a bit of slaughter up to this point, so hopefully we'll see some resistance from the Tokyo Team in the next chapter.

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