Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 29

The aftermath of the big party at Father's house.

Envy is not impressed with what he sees.

After the big fight in Father's chamber, Envy leads the Elrics up an elevator leading to Central HQ. the Elrics are given time to clean themselves up, and during that time Ed reveals that he found Al's body still alive within the Gate, while Al reveals that he's hiding May within his armor. Ed and Al are summoned to the meeting between Wrath and Mustang, Wrath lays out the situation to the Elrics. Ed threatens to quit being a State Alchemist but takes back his words when Wrath starts mentioning Winry. Al requests that he and Ed be permitted to continue their search to regain their bodies, and Wrath doesn't really care. Mustang then states that he has no intentions of quitting because of his ambitions. After the meeting is over, Mustang asks if Wrath was the one who killed Maes Hughes, and Wrath states that it wasn't him. Wrath then stabs through Al with his sword but was not able to injure May who hid inside Al's leg.

Just checking if my sword is sharp.

There are some inherent advantages from being small.

After eavesdropping on Ed's phone call with winry, Greed offers up some advice to improve Ed's game.

After the meeting, the Elrics borrow some money from Mustang and run off, while Mustang also runs off to check on Riza. The Elrics run to a phone booth and Ed phones Winry to check that she's okay. After the phone call, the brothers are approached by Greed, who hands Ed a message on a piece of cloth from Ling to hand to Ran Fan. Meanwhile, Mustang runs to gate where Riza is waiting and instead finds Alex Armstrong standing there. Riza quickly arrives and the three drive off to a back alley to have a private discussion. Alex is shocked that the Fuhrer is a homunculus, but the major declares he isn't going to back away as he did during the Ishvalan War.

Worshiping the Terminator.

In the underground, the injured Scar wanders into Dr. Marcoh's holding cell. After identifying Scar, Dr. Marcoh tells Scar to kill him so he can pay for his sins during the Ishvalan War, but first Scar wants Marcoh to tell him about the details of the military's research.


At Dr. Knox's house, May is resting on the sofa due to exhaustion but she's otherwise healthy. While Knox is complaining to Al about bringing in more patients, Ran Fan gets up and wonders where Ling is. Al hands Ran Fan the message in which Ling writes that he has obtained the Philosopher's Stone. Ran Fan is happy for her prince, but she wonders why Ling didn't come back and Al is tasked with explaining what happened. Now back in Ran Fan's room, aAfter hearing Al's tale of what happened underground, Ran Fan blames herself for not being able to protect Ling and wants Al to introduce her to an automail mechanic, but Al tells Ran Fan to get some rest first. Suddenly, May walks into the room and gets into a standoff with Ran Fan as the two are from different warring clans, but the standoff is diffused when Knox arrives and whacks them both in the head. Later in the day, Al is helping Knox clean up the house and finds a photo of Knox with his ex-wife and son. Knox wants to throw the photo away, but Al thinks mementos such as the photo should be cherished.

Didn't know Wrath can make funny faces.

On top of Central HQ, Wrath has a chat with the new Greed. Wrath comments that Ling is hopeless, but Greed tells Wrath not to underestimate Ling as the Xingese prince is always watching for the right opportunity to retake his body.

Just in time for Halloween.

Meanwhile, Ed is on the streets repairing the damage caused by the fight against Scar. Ed notes that he is able to use alchemy once again, and two soldiers mention that a few alchemists had tried to repair the damage before but were not able to anything. This lead Ed to conclude that during the morning Father's move had disabled alchemy for most alchemists, but this leads Ed to wonder more about Scar and May's alchemy and whether if their techniques can help him and Al regain their bodies.

Miracles of life, or crime against nature?

Deep underground, a small Gluttony grows out from Father's chest.


In the aftermath of the big battle from last episode, Ed and Al along with Mustang are given warnings and put on a shorter leash by Wrath, but our heroes are still healthy and have a fair bit of freedom to move around. I never really understood why Father and Wrath decided to not to confine our heroes. If the human sacrifices were that important, wouldn't it be better to always have them confined or at least always within an arms reach. Obviously the Elrics and Mustang wouldn't do anything rash in fear of endangering their loved ones and loyal subordinates, but they are more than free enough to plot behind the government's back. For example, Ed and Al were able to smuggle May back to Knox's house, and Wrath wasn't diligent enough to carefully check if Al was hiding someone within his body. I guess the story just has to give the heroes the chance to fight back, and Father, the homunculi, and the corrupt military are probably overconfident and don't believe that they can be toppled.

Basically this week was another transitional episodes, and starting next week the story is headed in another direction involving Marcoh and Scar. It could be a while until the next big action episode, but at least next week we'll have more flashbacks of the Ishvalan War featuring plenty of blood spill.

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