Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gantz 313

Kurono #1's group check themselves into a hotel for the night.

It's a well-known fact that Weekly Shounen Jump is essential for survival during a disaster.

Kurono #1, along with Tae, other students, and two teachers, walk into a hotel and finds it to be completely empty. The students grabs door keys from the counters and check themselves into several rooms. One female student manages to call her mother and learns something bad has happened to her dad, so she decides to walk home. For food, the male students raid a nearby convenience store (also abandoned) and grabs lots of junk food along with a few copies of Weekly Shounen Jump. After hanging out in their rooms for a while, everyone soon falls asleep. Suddenly, everyone is awakened by a loud explosion in the distance. The girls in one room open their window and sees a giant mech blasting buildings, and they scream for Kurono. Kurono gets up and tries to leave his room, but he is suddenly teleported away.


Just like the previous chapter, not much happened for the majority of this chapter. The scale of the disaster hasn't really sunk in for most of the students, and many of them think they are on a field trip where they can get free stuff. It's curious that the hotel and nearby convenience store was completely empty though, since buildings are a good place to hide from the troopers. I guess all the people are scared of the mechs blowing up the hotel and so they left. Anyways, the only interesting part of this chapter was the end where Kurono is teleported away. Looks like there will be one "final" mission after all. It was about time the story started moving again. Let's see if the Gantzers will get upgrades to their arsenals.

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