Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist 104

Father proceeds with his plan.

You are all screwed.

In Father's chamber, Ed tells Al to protect the badly injured May while he handles Pride. Pride attacks with his shadow blades, but Ed dodges and hits Pride with a head butt and Pride is unable to regenerate. Meanwhile, Father notices May trying to heal herself with alchemy. Father transmutes a gun and shoots at May, but Al gets in the way in time to block the bullet. Both Al and Izumi attack Father with alchemy but Father easily blocks the attacks. Declaring that it's time, Father grabs Ed, Al, Izumi and Mustang and is about to start the transmutation. Father explains that he will open the planet's gate and drag God down to earth and into himself. Suddenly, Greed arrives and tries to kick Father out of the center spot, but Father had predicted Greed would interfere and quickly moves to the real center which is his throne. Hohenheim, now free from Father's body, makes a last ditch attempt to stop Father, but it's too late.

Just as the sun is completed blocked out by the moon, Father activates the transmutation. The black mass surrounding Father's chamber expands and swallows the nearby area (taking in Scar, Wrath, Hawkeye, and the three chimeras) and emerges from Central HQ. All over the country, people (including Winry and Grandma) fall to the ground and lose consciousness. In Central, a giant door opens from the ground and a supersized Father emerges from the ground. A similar door opens straight above in the sky, and the eye of Truth appears. Shadowy arms emerge from the door from the sky to try and grab Father, but Father grabs the arms and pulls downwards. The entire of city of Central is then engulfed in a blinding flash of light.

The transmutation is quickly over, and people lie all over Central's streets. Back in Father's chamber, Ed and company are still alive and kicking, but they realize Father has gotten what he wanted. From behind the smoke, Father explains that he needed the entire country for energy in his plan to absorb God, but he has succeeded and both God and the souls of all the people reside within him. Ed and company are then surprised to see that Father has taken the form of the young Hohenheim (or is it Ed?).

Father and his Extreme Makeover reveal.


Father's master plan happened a lot quicker than I imagined. It happened so quick that I'm thinking that there has to be more it. My predictions for this chapter were along the lines of an epic struggle between Ed's group and Father before Father opens the Gate, and afterwards Ed and company will muck around inside the Gate (to get their organs back and such). So much for my vision. The only thing I wasn't surprised by was Greed's appearance. I guess it's good that Arakawa-sensei is still staying outside the realm of predictability.

Anyways, it seems that Father has gotten what he wanted and absorbed God/the entire Truth into himself along with almost all the people of Amestris. Winry, Grandma, and the Armstrong siblings have fallen victim, but it seems that people who were in Father's expanded body are still alive. Now that Father has the power of the Truth and a few million more souls within himself, the only chance that the good guys have is to use the modified transmutation circle they discovered from Scar's brother's research. Up to this point the manga hasn't showed us too much about the good guys' background preparations for this battle, but I'm assuming they have something ready.

Even though the five sacrifices got through the transmutation without taking a trip through the Gate, I still think they'll have to go to the Gate eventually. Hopefully the Scar vs. Wrath showdown will continue, although I wouldn't mind too much if Ling/Greed tagged in for Scar. FMA is moving ever so close to the end. I wonder how many more chapters will there be before we finally get to the conclusion.

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