Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 46

Everyone continues to make preparations for the promised day.

Unfortunately for Ed, he didn't actually get to see anything.

Already bickering so much... I wonder what'll happen if these two ever get married.

With the help of Miles, Winry manages to sneak back to her house in Resembool. To her surprise, she finds Ed, Greed/Ling, and their chimera buddies inside her room. After sorting everything out along with Grandma, Ed and his entourage leave to meet up with Hohenheim to deal with the "promised day". Back in Lior, Jerso, Zampano and Yoki join up with Scar and Marcoh once again, and the group then joins other Ishvalans in the fight against Father.

Hey, how come they are getting food when we aren't getting any?

Not a good time fall asleep.

In the east, General Gruman is meeting up with Major Miles during an army exercise. Gruman and Miles want to make a move for Central, but unfortunately King Bradley is on location watching over the exercise. In the nearby train yard, Al is hiding in a train car where he feels like his soul is being ripped away from his metal body once again. To make things worse, a reborn Gluttony shows up and chases Al out into the train yard, which allows a nearby Pride to use his shadowy tendrils to capture Al.

Looks like Mustang got the last laugh this time.

Back in Central, Mustang visits Olivier in the Armstrong mansion. While the two engage in some small talk, Roy comments that the mansion is big enough to hide a small army. He also hands Olivier some flowers which contains a note saying that Selim Bradley is a homunculus. Roy then makes fun of Olivier, who reacts by throwing the flowers along with note into a fire pit.

This guy is a fox.

At the military exercise out in the east, both King Bradley and General Grunman are wondering what each other is up to. Grunman and Major Miles is informed by one of their underlings that Alphonse has gone missing. In Bradley's camp, Major General Haruko informs the Fuhrer that Mustang use this exercise and planned terrorist attacks as diversions to take over Central. After thinking things over, King Bradley decides to get on a train to go back to Central. However, the train never makes it back to the capital as it gets blown up along with a the bridge it was on by some people loyal to Mustang.

With both the Fuhrer and Selim out of Central, Riza, Breda, and Fuery start their part of the plan. In the Central HQ, Olivier and other high-ranking military officials who are in on the Fuhrer's secret are discussing what to do now that the Fuhrer is missing. Olivier thinks that this is a chance for her to seize control, but unfortunately Father and Sloth show up in the meeting room.

I'm. still. here.


First of all, Japan is(was?) on tsunami alert after the big earthquake in Chile, so that's why there is the map of Japan on every screen shot.

Back on topic, FMA:B continues to build up towards a big showdown on the promised day. The bad guys and the various groups of the good guys are making their moves. Scar has gotten his Ishvalan brethrens together; Olivier is setting up her mansion for something; Mustang's subordinates have gotten together and more. The most impressive though was General Gruman who showed a bit of deviousness in tricking King Bradley into getting on the train and then blowing up the train. The expression Gruman had was hilarious. The guy is an old wily fox, there's no mistake about that.

Compared to the other groups, Ed didn't do much in terms of planning in this episode, but he already got Greed/Ling on board. For Ed, this episode was mostly for him to see Winry one last time before the promised day. It's apparent from the art that Ed now looks more manly ever since his near death experience. Over the last 40-odd episodes, Ed and Al has grown both mentally and physically, and it's good that the art takes note of this. The scene in Resembool is also probably the point where Winry bows out of the adventure. She tagged along during the Brigg's arc and didn't too badly (at least she didn't drag the others down), but the promised day is the biggest and most important event to date and people who can't fight are not that useful (despite Winry's offensive skills with her wrench).

Despite the good guys getting their acts together and Gruman blowing up Bradley's train, Father and the homunculi aren't sitting around either. Father has taken the leadership role in Central, and even worse Al has been captured by Gluttony and Pride. The next episode is where the action will truly start, and it's going to be an awesome episode. By the way, I loved the Arabian music they used during the preview. Reminded me of the Prince of Persia video games.

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