Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 43

Marcoh vs. Envy, while Olivier learns more secrets from the military.

This is what you get for advancing in columns against an artillery fortress.

To understand Xingese alchemy, first you need a pair of eyebrows.

Using their higher position and cannons, the Briggs soldiers decimate the Drachma forces, but this is exactly what Kimblee had wanted. Meanwhile, Scar, Al and company are hiding in the slums of Asbec. While the others are busy with their activities, Zampano sneaks out of the slum to meet up with Envy. Zampano leads Envy to Marcoh and Jerso. Upon seeing Marcoh, Envy immediately reveals himself, but he is quickly pummeled by several alchemy attacks from the ground. The attacks actually came from May who is hiding nearby, but Marcoh fools Envy into thinking he is responsible. Marcoh reveals that it was his plan to lure Envy in, and he knows Envy wouldn't miss the chance to come after him. Frustrated and angered, Envy transforms into his true form and become too large for May's alchemy to hinder, but while Envy is distracted by Jerso and Zampano, Scar jumps onto Envy and breaks the homunculus' back.

Envy Angry! Envy Smash!

Take that, you puny human!

Marcoh and company think that Envy is down for the count, but suddenly Envy grabs Marcoh with his tongue. With the target in his grasps, Envy begins to taunt Marcoh, stating that he'll destroy Asbec as punishment for Marcoh's escape. To add further insult, Envy also reveals that all of Marcoh's former subordinates have been turned into Philosopher's stones. Instead of breaking down, Marcoh tells Envy that since he has spent so much time making Philosopher's Stones, he also knows how to break them down. Marcoh then takes off his gloves and uses an array drawn on his palm to transmute Envy. Envy is hit hard by the transmutation and starts disintegrating, and eventually Envy is reduced to a six-inch long worm-like form.

Marcoh's moment of awesome.

Nobody cares about Yoki enough to save his life.

After the battle, Marcoh and company bring Envy back to Asbec for Yoki and Winry to see. Yoki begins taunting Envy but ends up being bitten and taken over by Envy. Envy warns Marcoh and the others to back off, but he soon discover that Marcoh and co don't really care about Yoki and therefore Envy gives up. With Envy now sealed in a jar, Scar and company begin to talk about their next move. Envy tries to sway Al by revealing that the mining entrance collapsed in Baschool, but Al believes that Ed is okay and would want the others to move forward. Scar suggests that they split up this time and he and Marcoh will go off as one group. Scar then tells May to bring Envy back to Xing as the fate of her people depends on her. May is saddened but realizes Scar is right. At an intersection, May bids farewell and runs off in one direction while Scar and Marcoh move down another direction. The rest of the group is sticking of Al who is planning to visit Lior.

Prisoner abuse.

Goodbye for now.

In the Dublith, the chimera Bido hides behind a corner as two Central soldiers stand in front of the Curtises' meat shop. One of the soldiers mention that Izumi and Sig are not around, and the other states that they'll report this to Bradley back in Central. Remembering that Bradley was the one who took away Greed, Bido decides to climb under the soldier's car and follow them back to Central.

Owieee... Big Sis is being a meanie.

At Central HQ, Olivier is giving her little brother Alex a hard time in the hallways. An officer arrives and tells Olivier to come with him, and he leads Olivier down a corridor and a secret elevator. While traveling through the building, the officer reveals that the military bans human transmutation not because philosophical or moral considerations but because the military didn't want others to have a powerful army. The officer then opens a secret chamber and shows Olivier rows of immortal soldiers hanging upside down from the ceiling.

I wonder why they hang these things upside down.

Days later in Lior, Al and company arrive at the roadside cafe and meets up with Rose. At this time, Hohenheim returns from washing some pots for Rose and his appearance surprises Al and Winry.

Winry and Al might be wondering why Hohenheim is doing dishes in Lior, but a more pertinent question is why Winry and the chimeras are still wearing winter clothing... in the middle of a hot desert.


Gotta love FMA and its twists and turns. Both of the "bad events" from last episode turned out to be misleading. The Drachma invasion attempt ended in a one-sided victory for the Briggs, but even Miles realizes that the bad guys got what they wanted. Father just needs bloodshed at Briggs; it doesn't matter whose blood it is.

The main highlight of this episode was of course Marcoh vs. Envy. Zampano's "betrayal" all turned out to be a plan to lure Envy in, and Marcoh was certainly very impressive during the fight. It just goes to show that any character, no matter their appearance or their past can have a moment of awesome if they have enough determination (and skill). Marcoh might not be much of a fighter, but his specialist knowledge came in really handy against Envy. The animation of the fight was superb (particularly Envy's transformation and defeat) and it really adds a level of excitement on top of the manga material. Well done, Bones. And so Envy becomes the third homunculus to suffer defeat (after Lust and Gluttony), but Envy isn't dead yet, it's safe to say that this isn't the last time we'll see him and May... and all the other characters that haven't shown up in a while.

The rest of the episode was pretty interesting too. Olivier finally learns of what the military got out of the deal with Father. An immortal army sounds nice, but what use would it be if Father decides to transmute the entire country? I don't know, but I think the corrupt upper brass are just following Father's orders for their own survival more than anything else. Out in the east, we learn that Hohenheim's visit wasn't random (from the plot's standpoint) and it was all to set up a reunion with Al. It's funny that Hohenheim is still hanging around Lior and doing dishes though. You'd think that he would act with a little bit more urgency in mind, but Hohenheim is just that laid-back.

Next episode will see the return of Ed and Greed. It probably won't be as action-heavy as this episode, but it should be pretty good too.

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