Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ 07

Matsu gives a Sekirei history lesson.

At the site of the battle, Yukari and Shiina arrive to find that were a step too late. Moments earlier at the site, Minato asks Homura if he is going to continue his mission to kill the MBI chairman, and Homura decides to just go back to the inn with everyone. The rest of Minato's Sekirei welcome Homura into the gang. Homura is feeling happy but then he suddenly faints due to over-exertion.

Why so surprised, Minato? It's not like you haven't seen them before.

When Homura wakes up, he finds himself all bandaged up in bed at the Izumo Inn. Miya comes into the room and tells him that Musubi carried him back to inn after he fainted. The two talk a bit and Miya tells Homura that Minato has been at his side while he was unconscious. Minato, who had dozed off at the bedside, wakes up after Miya leaves room, and Homura asks Minato to help change his bandages. While his upper body is exposed, Homura reveals that he can become a female if Minato wants him to. After blushing for a bit, Minato tells Homura that to be the way that he's always been. Homura smiles and thanks Minato for his kindness.

If you ever wanted quick frizzy hair, make fun of Homura.

Minato walks out of Homura's room and finds Musubi, Tsukiumi and Kusano sleeping outside the door. Musubi wakes up and explains that they were worried about Homura so they waited outside the door, but somehow everyone fell asleep. Tsukiumi wakes up and demands to know if anything indecent happened while Minato was in the room with Homura. Minato denies anything of the sort, but Matsu (who probably peeked inside the room) reports that Homura' chest was almost entirely exposed when Minato was in the room. Unfortunately for Matsu, Homura is standing near the door and he punishes Matsu with a little bit of fire. After Matsu recovers, Minato and all the other Sekirei want Matsu to explain the Sekirei Plan and what will happen from now on. After hearing the requests, Matsu agrees and Minato and the others to her room where she starts telling the story, while Miya, Kazehana, and Homura also listen in on the conversation through a device planted in Matsu's room. The history of the Sekirei Plan goes like this:

Around a 20 years ago, a strange, uncharted island appeared off the Japanese coast, and two students, one male and one female, were the first people to explore the island which is now named Kamikura Island. On the island, the students discovered the wreckage of a giant spaceship, and within the spaceship were 108 life forms that would later be known as Sekirei. Of the two students, the male student was a genius, and he took all of the advanced technology found inside the spaceship and created a huge company that current dominates many industries in the world. That student is Minaka Hiroto, and the company is Mid Bio-Informatics (M.B.I.). Returning back to the Sekirei, of the 108 Sekirei found inside the spaceship, there was one fully grown specimen, eight infants, and the rest were in the form of fertilized eggs.

Some memories are better off repressed.

At this point, Matsu reveals that Sekirei must be "conditioned" before they are released into the world, and a Sekirei's abilities and personality depends a lot upon the conditioning technician. for example, the odd numbered Sekirei are usually naughtier. Musubi and Kusano, both even numbers, take this opportunity to make fun of Tsukiumi, who's a odd number. Matsu also explains that the fully grown and infant specimens were quite different because they were more developed than the rest of the Sekirei when M.B.I. started tampering with them. Sekirei numbered from 01 to 09 have some sort of innate ability that separates from the rest. Tsukiumi decides to interrupt the talk because she doesn't want to talk to about her conditioning technician. Both Musubi and Kusano were conditioned by Minato's mother Takami, while Matsu and most of the odd numbers were conditioned by Miya's deceased husband, Takehito Asama. Matsu explains that Takehito was another genius within M.B.I., and therefore even the fully grown specimen, which is technically not a Sekirei, was handled by him. After saying this, Matsu realized that she had said too much and decides to switch the topics, while Miya giggles in the other room.

Matsu then continues the discussion about the history of the Sekirei Plan:
Before M.B.I. became what it is today, there was one event that threatened the existence of all of the Sekirei. M.B.I. founder Minaka somehow made Kamikura Island his private properties and made it so that island does not appear on any maps, but the information has already been spread and many other people are after the technology on the island. One day, a military force from an unknown origin appeared out of nowhere and invaded the island of the Sekirei. At that time, M.B.I. didn't have its own military yet, and only five Sekirei had awakened. Nevertheless, the Sekirei Plan needed protection against the invaders, and therefore the five awakened Sekirei formed the first Disciplinary Squad. MBI researcher Takethito Asama made adjustments to the five Sekirei that made them more powerful than even winged Sekirei. Matsu starts off by remotely accessing a satellite (without using a computer) to pinpoint the invaders' numbers and location. The other members then go on a tear through the enemy forces: Kazehana smashes some helicopters with a whirlwind; Mutsu destroys some armored vehicles by causing the ground to crack; Karasuba slices up enemy soldiers in her typical fashion; and Miya just obliterates everything in her path. In short, the first Disciplinary Squad crushed the invading forces with their overwhelming power.

Mrs. Landlady is looking mighty fierce.

After annihilating the invaders, Minaka and Takehito step down into the battlefield to inspect the carnage. Takehito states that he doesn't feel any sense of accomplishment, because even though the Sekirei are superior to humans, they ended up doing the same thing as humans. Minaka, however, has a different point of view and wants to reshape the world with the Sekirei and the technology found on Kamikura Island.

Well, the Disciplinary Squad needed a data support person too.

After telling the story, Matsu reveals that it is Takehito who discovered/devised the system regarding winging and Ashikabis. However, Minato and the other Sekirei are still shocked over the fact that Matsu was a Disciplinary Squad member. Minato changes topics and wonders why Matsu left the Disciplinary Squad, and Matsu states that "escaped from" is the more correct term as she is on MBI's most-wanted list. In the living room, Homura wonders why Kazehana left the Disciplinary Squad, and Kazehana states that it's because Minaka dumped her. Back in Matsu's room, Minato receives a text message from Minaka that is addressed to all Ashikabis. In the message, Minaka states that in order to make the competition more fun, any Ashikabi who does not participate to win will have all of their Sekireis deactivated.


That was quite the informative episode. If you are wondering why the huge summary, it's because Sekirei anime has now reached the point where I can copy and paste my old manga summaries (like what I did for the latter parts of my FMA:Brotherhood coverage). Since this episode covered around four information-heavy chapters, and so the above was the result. The summary would never be this long if I was writing it from scratch.

7Arcs did a decent job adapting this part of the story. This was probably the most informative episode of Sekirei to date and shows that the series is a bit more than just attractive magical girls (and guys) beating each other up in ecchi ways and there is a potentially good narrative somewhere beyond all the fan service. A lot of the details revealed in this episode will probably become important later in the series and and can potentially set up future angles in the story. I thought this was a pretty decent episode, but it was an information-focused episode which is not the most exciting thing out there. There was a bit of action though as we got see Miya and the first Disciplinary Squad squash some faceless soldiers.

Next week looks like a transitional episode, which means we won't get to see the next phase in the Sekirei Plan just yet.

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