Monday, August 2, 2010

Highschool of the Dead 05

Saeko, Saya, Kohta, and Shizuka grow tired of Shido's preaching and ditch his group on the bus.

One of the inconveniences of having a big bosom...

At Kansai International Airport, police sniper Rika Minami is clearing the runway of zombies so planes can take off. After finishing her job, Rika chats with her spotter and reveals that she has a friend who is still in the city. That friend turns out to be Shizuka, who is stuck in traffic on the bus along with the other survivors from the school. Shido continues to preach in the back of the bus, while Saeko, Kohta, Saya and Shizuka sit in the front trying to tune Shido out.

For an unlicensed driver, Takashi is surprisingly skilled with the dirt bike.

While the others are stuck on the bus, Takashi and Rei ride through town past a bunch of armed hooligans who are attacking humans and zombies alike. The two are trying to find a way to cross the river in order to rendezvous with the others, but the first bridge they get to is blocked. The two then decide to try another bridge.

Congratulations, you have just been awarded the title of "Stupid A-hole of the Week".

You need to have the gun to do the talking, Shido.

Back on the bus, Saeko and the group up front agree that they should get off the bus and ditch Shido's group. Shido wants Shizuka to stay for her medical skills, but Kohta scares him off with the nail gun and the group of four sets off on foot. Meanwhile, Takashi and Rei are having no luck finding a bridge that isn't blocked, but suddenly they hear the familiar sounds of a nail gun firing. Saeko and Kohta are fighting zombies on the nearest bridge and they are becoming overwhelmed. Just when it looks like the zombies are going to nab Shizuka and Saya, Takashi and Rei jumps on to the bridge via a conveniently placed car-transport truck and the reunited group make short work of the zombies. After the battle, Shizuka suggest that that everyone go to her friend's (Rika) nearby apartment for which she has the keys. Shizuka also has the keys to her friend's Humvee which is parked outside the building. The apartment is fenced in and is in a good location, but for Takashi and company to get inside they first have to defeat the zombies that have infested the area.

In this zombie-infested world, zombie bike-bowling will become a new favorite pastime.

It's the amazing Human Helicopter!!!


This was certainly better than the last episode, although it wasn't as entertaining as I hoped it would be. I was hoping there might be interesting developments from the situation on the bus, but most of the time on the bus was made up of characters talking about things that aren't really important. Shido was rather disappointing too, being spineless and having wet his pants once Kohta put on his "gun nut" face. The group from the bus then met up with Takashi and Rei again rather easily. The zombie fight on the bridge was pretty nice (I liked how Takashi was using his dirt bike), but the setup leading up to the fight and reunion was a bit too straight-forward. The scene in the beginning with Rika was also rather pointless other than from a fan service perspective. The pacing and plot weren't very impressive this week, but at least there was a bit zombie bashing.

Speaking of fan service, it looks like the entire next episode will be dedicated to it with the girls taking baths at Rika's place. Can't really say I'm looking forward to it, unless zombies are somehow involved.

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