Monday, August 16, 2010

Highschool of the Dead 07

Takashi's group attempt to rescue a little girl.

Door to door salespeople can be pretty annoying, but stabbing them is still pretty cold.

Takashi watches the chaos and carnage from the apartment balcony and wants to do something, but Kohta and Saeko tell him not to try and be a hero. Takashi continues watching the streets and spots a father leading his young daughter into the yard of a fenced home that has people in it (because they left their lights on). The father knocks on the door and begs that the people inside let them in. When the people inside refuse, the father threatens to barge in by force. The door opens, but the father is stabbed in the heart by the people inside and he falls in such a way that opens the front gate. The girl cries over her father's dead body and that leads the zombies towards her.

Not quite the dramatic entrance Takashi was hoping for.

Back at the balcony, Takashi has been watching the scene unfold and realizes that he shouldn't do anything, but Kohta goes against his own advice and taking down the zombies threatening the little girl with his sniper rifle. Takashi decides to go out and rescue the girl, and Saeko and Rei agree to help. Takashi jumps out of the apartment complex with his dirt bike and makes it to the girl's location thanks to Kohta's sniper cover, but Takashi wipes out at the end. Using his crowbar and revolver, Takashi clears the yard of zombies and locks the gate, but the zombies are piling up against the yard and Takashi can't escape using the dirt bike.

Watch where you are pointing that thing!

The dog doesn't care if Takashi falls since the zombies don't eat dogs.

That is just such a sight to behold.

Back at the apartment, Saya and Shizuka are finally awakened by the commotion. After learning what's been going on, Saya tells the group to pack up and leave, and Shizuka suggest that they drive to Takashi's location with Rika's Humvee. Meanwhile, Takashi helps the little girl say goodbye to her dad. In order to escape from the yard, Takashi walks on the front wall of the yards while carrying the girl and puppy she picked up. With zombies on both sides of the wall, Takashi has a few near falls, but he manages to hang on long enough for the others to drive over in the Humvee. Kohta and Saeko clear out an area around the Humvee, and this Takashi to jump onto the vehicle and escape. The group drives away from the scene and now attempts to find another way to cross the river so the group members can check on their family.

I know shotguns are devastating at close range, but to send someone tumbling through the air like that for 30ft...

This is Kohta's lucky day (above and below)


This was definitely an improvement over last week. After lounging around last episode, Takashi and his band of survivors are doing something meaningful once again. I don't know if the little girl and her puppy will mean much later in the story, but at least her rescue was pretty fun to watch. I thought the early scene with the little girl and her father looking for shelter was pretty effective on the emotional level. I don't know if it makes a lot of sense, but the scene really drove home the point of how desperate people do desperate things during crisis situations, and desperate things are not necessarily good things. HOTD has the ability to create and maintain the sense of chaos and tense atmosphere when it wants to.

The rest of the episode was just hilarious. The fan service is still very prominent, but it's essentially a comedic device now that the plot doesn't revolve around it. Saeko in her apron and black thong was just too darn funny, especially the shot where she was standing above Kohta on top of a moving Humvee. The final action sequence is really over-the-top with Saeko's above-mentioned antics, boobs bouncing around, and Kohta sending zombies tumbling through the air with his hand cannon... I mean shotgun. The upbeat music transitioning into the ED was a nice touch too. The show didn't look like it was taking itself seriously, and I enjoyed it. Having the characters run around and bash zombies while various body parts jiggle is the way HOTD should be, and this episode did a good job carrying out those parts.

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