Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Naruto 506

Kisame tries to escape with the intel while Mighty Guy attempts to stop him.

It's not a shockwave; it's a Sharkwave!!

Kisame is stunned by Guy's blow, but Guy, Killer Bee and the others let their guard down, which allows Kisame to drain Killer Bee and the other Konoha ninja of their chakra and escape through the river system. The group cannot allow Kisame to leave the island with the information he has collected. Guy volunteers to give chase, and Killer Bee throws him towards the coast with the last bit of his energy. Back in the temple, Yamato patches up Naruto who wrecked his ankle from the over-enthusiastic stomp on Kisame.

Guy catches up to Kisame just as Kisame was putting the information scroll into a summoned shark. Kisame summons many sharks to confuse Guy. Guy attempts to punch all the sharks to death but realizes he has to enter the water to box the sharks in. This is exactly what Kisame wants, but Guy opens his seventh gate and boils away the water around him with his chakra. Both Guy and Kisame decide to go for a superpower attack and this leads to an impending showdown between a giant shark and a giant tiger.


Naruto's brand new form sure looked cool, but unfortunately the new Naruto is surprisingly fragile and hurt his ankle on his very first attack in that form. As predicted, Guy was brought to the island for the sole purpose of fighting Kisame, and the series goes out of its way to make it an one-on-one fight between the two. Guy and Killer Bee should have easily handled Kisame, but Killer Bee's stupidity finally costs the group. I'm guessing Guy will win, but regardless of who wins the battle, the info Kisame has collected will probably make its way back to Akatsuki.

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