Monday, August 9, 2010

Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ 06

The battle for Homura reaches its conclusion.

How come he's facing backwards when he was facing forwards a few seconds ago?

Akitsu battles Uzume on the roof top as Homura slowly burns up nearby. As Akitsu gains the upper hand up above, Mikogami and Mutsu are confronted by Higa's secretary Kakizaki and two Sekireis. Mikogami wants Mutsu to take Kakizaki's group out, but Mutsu grabs Mikogami and retreats instead as Homura has grown too out of control to wing. Back on the roof, Akitsu tells Uzume and Homura that she is envious of their ability to bond with an Ashikabi before leaving.

Elsewhere in town, Yukari runs into the biker Ashikabi and after a confrontation she kicks him in the face.

I'm on fire, baby!!!... Oh wait, I am literally on FIRE!!!!

Miya's rent collection agency has arrived.

Back to the site of the battle, Kakizaki's group arrive on the rooftop to claim their prize, but Homura is unwilling to bend so easily and tries to self destruct. However, his efforts are put to a stop by a shower from Tsukiumi. Minato and his four Sekireis have arrived at the scene, and the combatants line up with Tsukiumi taking on the spinning blade-wielding Oriha; Musubi in a close-combat match-up with Katuragi; Kazehana taking on Uzume; and Kusano grabbing Kakizaki with her vines. While the Sekireis are busy fighting, Minato tries to convince Homura to join his group, but Homura refuses and starts to burn up again. Despite the heat, Minato jumps in and holds Homura in his arms and tells Homura that everyone in the inn care for him. Minato surprises Homura by kissing him on the lips, after the winging Homura finds that his powers have stabilized.

Surprise smooch FTW.

One more to the collection.

One hit KO.

While Minato was taking care of business, Musubi effortlessly defeats Katuragi with her new Kuma-Ken technique. Tsukiumi also has Oriha contained with her water snakes, but Oriha manages to free Kakizaki from Kusano's vines. Kakizaki then receives an order from Higa to retreat, since Minato has already winged Homura. Kazehana and Uzume are still engaged in a fierce battle with one another. Even though they are friends, both Seikirei realize that they cannot afford to lose the battle. Before the fight can come to a conclusion Uzume is pulled away by Oriha and Higa's group retreats from the scene. Having won the battle, Minato and his Sekirei decide to go back to Izumo Inn, but Homura faints and falls into Minato's arms. Back at the inn, Matsu is glad that Minato has winged Homura, but Miya states that this is only the beginning of a new chapter of the Sekirei Plan.


That's it for the sweepstakes for Homura, and as expected Minato's group got the job done. Minato's surprise smooch was kind of funny, but with Homura looking more female than male I suppose it wasn't that difficult lol. This episode was alright and followed the manga pretty closely, but it could have been better. I thought 7Arcs could have lengthened the fight scenes to help offset all the speeches people were giving in this episode. The speeches are in the manga and cutting them would have changed the feel of the story, so adding in more action to compensate would have been a good idea. Instead, I think they added in the scene with Yukari and the soon to be introduced Ashikabi which didn't exactly amount to anything.

The whole Homura arc actually took much less time than I had predicted, and I'm still wondering where in the manga storyline this season will cover up to. Next week will be Sekirei history lesson, which is actually not as bad as it sounds.

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