Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Piece 594

Various people react to Luffy's latest stunt.

Luffy will beat these five up... 300 chapters later.

- In the holy land Marijoa, the five Elder Stars (guys in charge) discuss what to do about Luffy, Blackbeard, the Shichibukai and the current situation in the pirate world.
- Also in Marijoa, Pan-Fleet Admiral Kong allows Sengoku and Garp to go into "semi-retirement" where the two will only assist in training young marines. Sengoku then recommends Aokiji as his replacement.
- In Marineford, Aokiji reads the news of Luffy's latest stunt while Smoker is in the office asking to be transferred to the 5th branch of the Grand Line Marines.
- In the Marine HQ hospital, a doctor explains to Coby that he had used haki during the big battle, and Helmeppo is jealous that Coby has obtained this new power.
- In the agenda room, a group of high ranking marines meet to discuss Luffy's latest stunt. Luffy returned to Marine HQ with Rayleigh and Jinbei, and the trio stole a marine ship and sailed it around the island. Luffy then showed up in town alone and rang the famous Ox Bell 16 times and laid down some flowers, and none of the Marines could catch him. The Marines then decide that Luffy's stunt is a declaration of war.
- Somewhere in the New World, Eustass Kid read the news about Luffy's stunt and asks his lieutenant Killer about the Ox Bell. Killer explains that the Ox Bell is rang 16 times during new year celebrations, and Luffy may have rang it 16 times to signify the coming of a new age. Kid promises that he isn't going to let Luffy have all the glory and he quickly kills a pirate crew that was unfortunate enough to get into his way.
- Elsewhere in the New World, Capone Bege's ship is lifted up into a giant object in the sky.
- On the Grand Line, Luffy is returning to Kuja Island using the Kuja's ship and he wonders if his crew has gotten his message. All over the world, Luffy's crew members realize that Luffy is trying to tell them something by pulling off the stunt, and the smarter ones have already figured out the message.
- In the New World, Basil Hawkins prepares to fight the Brownbeard Pirates.
- Also in the New World, Urouge's crew come upon an island that is covered in lightning. A strange boat appears at sea and an old lady asks if Urouge's crew wants umbrellas.


Luffy's latest stunt is finally revealed, and it wasn't too outrageous but it was sort of clever. The stunt declared war on the Marines, pay tribute to the casualties of the big battle, and sent out a message to reassemble the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy would probably never come up with something like this on his own. I don't really know what's the message that Luffy is trying to get to his crew, but I'm guessing it might have something to do with meeting up at certain location in the New World.

Other than Luffy's stunt, this chapter covered a ton of other stuff as well, ranging from the World Government to the Supernova pirate crews. Many of the developments in this chapter will probably become significant down the road, but right now they are just interesting info. By the time these details become important I would probably have forgotten about this chapter lol. These "update" chapters contain a lot of material, but they are not that fun to read. I'm hoping that the series will start focusing on Luffy (or a single group) again instead of trying to cover what everyone and their grandmas are doing these days.

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