Monday, July 26, 2010

Gantz 322

Tae and the other escapees venture into alien town to discover the disgusting truth.

This is probably what it feels like to be chipmunks standing beneath a crowd of people.

The giant alien grasshopper jumps onto Tae's back, giving Tae a good tonguing (and possibly stinging Tae in the unmentionable place). The lolicon punches the grasshopper off of Tae and the group fight their way past the grasshoppers, but many of the escapees are stung by the creatures. At the end of the tunnel, the escapees find a grate leading into the alien city. Everything looks familiar other than they are all super-sized. Some of the alien civilians spot the naked humans but pass them off as nothing but a curiosity. The escapees run away from the spectators to a open air cafe where two aliens are eating. The aliens don't like their food, so they pass their plate down to their elephant-sized dog, and the escapees are shocked to discover that the plate if filled with human remains. The sight of people being eaten is so appalling that some of the escapees start puking, and while puking the guys discover strange lumps growing on their bodies. A group of aliens gather around the humans, and an uniformed cop alien uses a thread gun to capture all of the escapees except Tae.

While all this has been going on, Kurono #1 has stopped the flow of water at the slaughterhouse. Kurono ventures up the path Tae's group has taken and cuts through the grasshoppers with his Gantz sword as other human survivors follow closely behind.


Well... that is a rather straight-forward answer to the systematic slaughter of humans by the aliens. One of the reasons why the aliens invaded the planet is for meat, and humans are numerous enough to fit the bill. Gantz sure knows how to turn up the yuckiness. With Tae's group naked and all the blood and body parts being shown, it's hard to find a panel in this chapter that is only mildly questionable. The aliens probably had other reasons to invade the Earth that's related to the Gantz program, but the "eating humans" thing is probably enough to justify the aliens' eventual slaughter at the hands of the Gantzers. I don't know if it will stop the series from playing the "aliens are people too" card though.

Anyways, looks like Tae's lolicon protector is done for, and Tae herself is in danger from being threaded on a rope. To make things even worse, there is also the stings from the grasshopper creatures and Tae may have been stung in a bad place. The only good news though is that Kurono #1 is on her trail and not too far away, and with his weaponry he can take out a couple of alien soldiers without any problem. They might be in trouble though if Tae did get stung and the wound starts acting up (actually upon closer inspection, Tae probably didn't get stung). This "rescue Tae" storyline has been going pretty well so far, and let's hope the developments will continue.

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