Friday, July 23, 2010

Deadman Wonderland 37

All out war at Deadman Wonderland.

The beast has finally awakened.

Makina and her special forces buddies and prison guards continue to storm through Deadman Wonderland trying to find Tamaki. Things aren't looking good for Tamaki as all of the Completed Forgeries have been defeated, but Tamaki and the crazy doctor still has a secret weapon in the form of giant tub of man-eating ooze made out of many Forgeries. Tamaki leaves for another control centre and releases hordes of Forgeries upon Makina's forces, but Makina's forces beat back the Forgeries with skill and firepower in the form of giant guard mechs (the ones that Ganta and some of the Deadmen fought before). During the battle, people living in Deadmen quarters are evacuated by the bodyguards, and during the evacuation Azami's armadillo Kincho escapes from Yo's arms and runs back into quarters.

Deep inside the prison, Azami backs away from Shiro as Shiro gets back up. At this time Sakigami and the twins also arrive and Sakigami applauds "Shiro" for awakening while the lullaby is still playing. "Shiro" asks Azami where Ganta has gone to so she can say hello and kill him, but Azami refuses to give away Ganta's location and launches an attack at "Shiro". Elsewhere, Minatsuki, Masaru, Senji and Hitara meet up and start on their way back.

In the lab, the crazy doctor is about to unleash the man-eating ooze when somebody enters through the lab door. Not long after, Ganta finds his way to the lab and finds ooze and dismembered body parts (including the doctor's) lying everywhere. The disgusting scene reminds Ganta of what happened to his classmates when the Red Man showed up, and this makes Ganta think that perhaps the Red Man is back.

Meanwhile, Tamaki has made his way back to his office. Tamaki is planning to take all the research data and escape using a helicopter, but suddenly Makina and her forces crash through one of the walls.

The conquering party has arrived.


It look like Deadman Wonderland is really headed towards a conclusion. The Red Man is on the loose, and Tamaki has been apparently cornered. I say "apparently" because as one of the chief villains, Tamaki might have one final trick up his sleeve. Makina obviously has been planning her rebellion for a long time, but it be a slight letdown if Tamaki is caught just like that.

The bigger problem at hand though is of course the Red Man/Wretched Egg awakening, and that's bad news for everybody. Azami put up a valiant stand against the Red Man, but I think the next time we see her she might be in pieces. That is unless Sakigami decides to save her, but nobody knows what he is up to these days. The manga is hinting that it was the Red Man who slaughtered the ooze and the crazy doctor, although that's not clear at this point who was responsible. I kind of wanted to see the giant ooze in action though given how it was the doctor's "secret weapon". Too bad it was killed off camera.

I think the remaining chapters of the series will be focused on Shiro/the Red Man and how the others will try to stop her. We'll know that the series is near the end when Ganta comes face to face with the Red Man one more time.

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