Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gantz 321

Kurono ventures into alien mothership after Tae, while Tae tries to stay alive with the help of the stranger.

Well, at least he is open and honest about it.

Tae is pulled out of the water by the stranger onto a divider between the current streams. The man leads Tae to far edge of the water and instructs her to keep crossing the streams until they reach the other side of the room where there is a platform and a tunnel. Tae and the man, along with a few others, makes it to the platform on the side. The naked survivors then climb into the tunnel in hopes of finding a way to escape.

Meanwhile, Kurono #1 is ushered into the mothership with the rest of new captives. The group arrives at the water chamber flowing to the slaughter room, and Kurono thinks that he is too late to save Tae. However, Kurono isn't going to stand by and let more people be swept to their deaths and he fires his H-gun at the barrier dividing the water streams and the slaughter room.

Back in the tunnel, Tae asks the man why he saved her, and the man reveals that he is a lolicon. The group then come upon a lot of alien beetles on the ground and then a group of man-sized grasshoppers slopping up the beetles. The grasshoppers on the ground seem to ignore the humans, but the survivors are unaware that there are a few on the ceiling, and one of them jumps onto Tae.


Gantz is getting interesting again starting from the last chapter. It turns out Tae was saved by a pedo, but for now the dangers are coming from the hostile environment rather than the guy. Thanks to being loli, Tae managed to avoid being swept into the slaughter room, but getting killed by one of those grasshoppers might be even a worse fate. Without weapons or even clothing, the people in the tunnel are in a whole lot of trouble if all the grasshoppers turn on them. Kurono #1 is not far away though, although we'll have to see if he'll come to Tae's rescue or will Tae be hanging out with the lolicon a bit longer. Kurono's actions will probably bring the attention of the aliens though if they are as advanced as they make out to be.


On a completely unrelated note, I'll be gone from the blog for a few days (taking advantage of my vacation time). It won't be three week trip like last time, but don't expect any posts in the next four or five days (unless I can find a computer and internet connection where I'm going). So yes, I'll miss the end of FMA:B and covering the premieres of some of the summer series, but I'll catch up eventually... I hope.

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