Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Highschool of the Dead 02

Three groups try to stay alive at the school in midst of the zombie chaos.

Uh... you guys are not supposed to be doing that at school.

Armed and dangerous, baby!
And we have to respect the power of tape.

On the roof top, Takashi and Rei uses the fire hose to blast away most of the zombies and they kill the rest with their weapons. In the infirmary, ditsy school nurse Shizuka Marikawa is saved from the zombies by kendo champion Saeko Busujima, and Shizuka asks Saeko to escort her to the staff room so she can retrieve her car keys. Elsewhere in the school, smart stuck-up girl Saya Takagi and overweight Kohta Hirano try to stay alive. Being a gun otaku, Kohta fashions a rifle of sorts with a nail-gun found in shop class. After running around in the school, Saya and Kohta find themselves surrounded by zombies near the trophy cases. Kohta runs out of ammo, and Saya trips as a zombie approaches her. In desperation, Saya grabs a nearby power drill and jams it into the zombie's head, while Takashi, Rei, and Saeko arrive to mop up the rest of the zombies.

She certainly has her priorities straight.

Saya demonstrates how to make a zombie blood shower.

After the battle, Saya breaks down and cries in Saeko's arms. She eventually regains her composure and the new group of six (including Shizuka) make their way to the staff office where the group plans to escape using the school bus. The TV in the room is turned on, and the group learns from the news that the entire Japan is in chaos.

The group is stunned when the World Cup coverage cut out on them.

There is a new ED song, although the animation sequence is the same.


Lol I forgot this show airs on Sundays, so hence the late post. Not that it matters though since I can never be as fast as some of the dedicated episodic anime blogs out there. This was another good episode, once again throwing the narrative right into the zombie chaos. While last episode focused on Takashi and Rei, this episode expands the coverage to properly introduce the other important supporting characters at the school. Saya, Kohta, Saeko, and Shizuka have obvious assets that make them useful amongst a band of survivors: Saya has the smarts, Kohta has the marksmanship and gun knowledge, Saeko has the sword skills and Shizuka is the nurse. With Takashi and Rei added to the mix, the core band of survivors from the high school looks complete.

Out of the newly introduced characters, Kohta is definitely the funniest as he is usually meek but turns hardcore whenever he gets his hands on a gun or a gun-like item. I'm not sure if that qualifies as split personality lol. Meanwhile, Saeko is the most dangerous-looking out of the group and appears to be enjoying killing zombies, which could be good thing as far as survival is concerned. As for Saya, other than showing off her attitude and intelligence, she distinguishes herself as the only person to have a tearful breakdown, but I suppose somebody had to do it given the situation. There were also hints of her feelings for Takashi, and I wonder if she will get anywhere with that. And finally, Shizuka is the ditsy nurse that probably won't be good for anything other than her medical skills and for fan service purposes.

Compared to the last episode, this week's show was just as violent, but the fan service appears to be toned down slightly, at least during the action sequences. Or maybe I'm just becoming used to the show. There were still lots of panty flashes though given that Saya and Rei wear mini-skirts, and of course there were Shizuka's jiggling assets. There are also no more of those cool, computer-aided panning shots, but I guess Madhouse was saving their budget for upcoming episodes. After two episodes, Highschool of the Dead looks pretty good so far, but I wonder if there will be anything else in the show to keep our interest once the zombie carnage and fan service get old. Or maybe zombie carnage and fan service will never get old. We'll just have to see.

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