Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Naruto 486

Sasuke retreats with Madara and Zetsu, and Naruto gives a speech.

When Crazy Sauce starts asking the same question as the rest of us, there's definitely something wrong.

The Chidori and Rasengan meet in an explosive clash, and both Naruto('s clone) and Sasuke are propelled backwards by the explosion. Naruto is caught by Kakashi, while White Zetsu suddenly appears to cushion Sasuke's fall. White Zetsu has been monitoring Sasuke under Madara's orders, and realizing they are outmatched, Zetsu phones home to Madara for a pick-up. After Madara appears, White Zetsu thinks about capturing Naruto, but Madara orders Zetsu to leave that task to Sasuke. As Madara, Sasuke and Zetsu are about to leave, Naruto starts a speech on how he and Sasuke only understand each other by fighting. Naruto also concludes that if they keep fighting, both of them will die, and of course Sasuke disagrees. Sasuke doesn't get why Naruto is so obsessed with him, and Naruto responds by saying he is Sasuke's friend and therefore he'll be the one to fight Sasuke.


That wasn't much of a fight between Naruto and Sasuke, but everyone saw the premature ending coming a few chapters ago. Both Naruto and Sasuke will have some time to prepare before their real fight at Konoha. From what I've understood from this chapter, it sounds like Naruto's “option C” (from the last chapter where Naruto had to choose to kill Sasuke or be killed) is for both him and Sasuke to die together. If we can't be together, we can at least die together? Lol that doesn't make much sense, but I guess we shouldn't be expecting much since it's Naruto's logic. Or maybe I'm just purposely misinterpreting things. Naruto's obsession of Sasuke still hasn't gone away, but one piece of good news is Naruto did declare that he is done ranting at Sasuke. I hope this really was Naruto last speech about Sasuke. If they want to talk some more, they should talk with their fists like Naruto suggested.

One interesting note, Madara seems have gotten his hands on a Rinnegan. I wonder where he got it from.

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