Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist 105

The final battle continues.

Let's turn up the force, shall we?

After absorbing God and the 50 million souls of Amestris into his body, Father disables Amestrian alchemy in the surrounding the area and launches a destructive ball of energy from above to crush Ed and company. Hohenheim steps in and blocks the blast using energy from his Philosopher's Stone, but Father turns up the power and at the same time start shaking the floor. It looks Hohenheim can't hold on, but May stabilizes the floor with her Xingese alchemy. While Hohenheim and May are busy fending off the attacks from above and below, Father decides to form a miniature sun in one hand to blow all his enemies away, but suddenly he starts losing power. Hohenheim explains that the souls of the Amestrian people are still connected to their bodies and he has spread souls within his Philosopher's Stone around the country for this very moment. In one fast and spectacular reaction, the souls of the Amestrian people are sucked from Father's body and deposited back into the bodies of the people, and the people around the country start to wake up.

Bad-ass until the very end.

Without the 50 millions souls, Father is having trouble containing God within his body and he calls off the attacks on Hohenheim and company. However, Father is not about to surrender and he fires an energy blast which starts to overwhelm Hohenheim. Ed and Al try to support their father from behind, but they know Hohenheim can't hold out for long and they need Scar to do his part. A few levels above, Scar and Wrath are engaged in a ferocious fight with the two combatants trading blows. As the solar eclipse is about the end, Wrath is momentarily blinded by sunlight, and this allows Scar to rip off both of Wrath's arms. However, before falling down, Wrath is able to inflict a deep cut in Scar's torso by grabbing a sword with his mouth. Lying down on the ground and near the end of his life, Wrath spots Lan Fan approaching. Lan Fan asks if Wrath has any last words, and Wrath answers no. Lan Fan asks about Mrs. Bradley, and Wrath states that nothing needs to be said because he had chosen her and she was the King's wife. Wrath then comments that humans have given a bit of meaning to his life before dying. After Wrath dies, Lan Fan retrieves the bottle of Philosopher's Stone from Wrath's body. Lan Fan helps Scar over to the human transmutation circle, and Scar uses his arms to activate the reverse transmutation circle around the city (which the Ishvalans have set up).

Back down in Father's chamber, Ed and company can use their alchemy once again, and Ed, Al, and Izumi combine their attacks to destroy Father's throne. Ed then declares that they are going to kick Father's ass.


Somewhat predictable chapter, but it was still epic. As many of us have suspected, the good guys manages to save the souls from Father and revive the Amestrian people. This makes sense since it wouldn't be right if the Armstrong siblings or Dr. Marcoh didn't take part in the final battle, and we can't have Winry lying dead either. I'm not sure how exactly Hohenheim managed to pull it off, but it had something to do with him spreading the souls in his stone around the country. I guess this explains why he was wandering the country through most of the series.

The Scar vs. Wrath fight finally concludes. Wrath is finally defeated, but he was still extremely bad-ass, inflicting a serious wound on Scar by holding the sword in his mouth. He is probably the most bad-ass character in this series, and I think this was an appropriate end for him, although letting Ling/Greed get the kill would be even more appropriate. So Scar gets credit for the kill, with assists from Ling/Greed, Fu, and Buccaneer.

After Father's big move in the last chapter, things are looking better for the good guys now that Father has lost the souls and can't hold on to his ban on Amestrian alchemy. However, Father still has the power of God within him, and this probably where the real battle will begin. I have a feeling that Hohenheim is going to sacrifice himself, but not sure about the others. There will probably be one more trip through the Gates of Truth as well. Hopefully the Armstrongs and Dr. Marcoh will join the battle as well. Even with alchemy, Ed and company still need all the help they can get.

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