Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 47

Ed and company battle Pride and Gluttony near the slums of Kanama.

That's quite the way to greet your father.

In the slums of Kanama near Central, Ed, Greed and company finally meet up with Hohenheim. Hohenheim reveals that he is in fact the Philosopher's Stone that Ed has been looking for, but Ed refuses to use his father because of the innocent lives that were lost in order to make the stone. Hohenheim also reveals more details about the promised day and states that Father will use a solar eclipse to complete his goals. Even though Ed still hasn't forgiven Hohenheim, Ed agrees to work with Hohenheim in order to stop Father. Ed also tells his father of his wife's last words, and this cause Hohenheim to cry uncontrollably.

Al needs an exorcist.

While Hohenheim is crying, Ed, Greed and the chimeras go for some dinner and a walk. The chimeras decide that they want to stick around Ed and Greed even if they have no good reason to, and Greed has his own secret reasons for going back to Central. Suddenly, the group sees Alphonse standing in front of them. Al asks Ed to go along with him, but both Ed and Greed notice that something is wrong. Shadowy tendril suddenly shoot out of Al's armor and Ed barely manages to get away. The group now realize that the being standing before them is not Al but Pride(Selim).

Out in the east, General Grumman and company are at the site of the train explosion and searching for King Bradley's body. Grumman's plan is for Mustang and Armstrong to rise up in central. As they get labeled as traitors and villains, Grumman will sweep in and become the "hero" of the people and thereby seize control of the country. Unfortunately, the search party haven't found the Bradley yet, so Grumman is reluctant to take further actions. Standing near Grumman, Miles suspect that the old general is plotting something but realize his forces have no choice to cooperate with Grumman's army for now.

One of the few instances where beating up a little kid is a good thing.

Dodging the flying jaws of death.

Back in the forest near Kanama, Ed, Greed, and the two chimeras face off against Pride, who has taken control of Al's body. Pride's mission is to kill Greed and capture Ed, but the Fullmetal Alchemist isn't willing to go so easily. The fight starts and Pride easily gains the upper hand, but Ed manages to even things up by knocking out the power pole in the area. Pride's "eyes" can't see in the darkness, and neither can Ed nor Greed, but the two chimeras (especially Heinkel) have their animal senses. As Heinkel tracks down Pride's real body, the rest of the group is attacked by Gluttony, who can't see in the dark but has a good sense of smell. Unable to move in the darkness, Greed reluctantly lets Ling takes control of the body so the prince can uses his highly developed senses to move in the dark. Ling and Darius then proceed to pummel Gluttony. Sick of being beaten up, Gluttony decides to open his real mouth to suck in everything in the surrounding area, but before he can do that he is cut down by a returning Ran Fan.

Unfortunately for Ed, gorillas don't see that well in the dark either.



Yes!! We are back to the action parts once again, and as expected the action was excellent. The pacing and progression of the battle was really carefully planned. It's the first time Ed and company has faced Pride in battle, and while Pride had the overwhelming advantage at first, Ed and friends manage to even out of the odds by turning off the lights. As powerful as Pride is, he does have a weakness in that his tendrils can't form in complete darkness. Luckily for Ed's group, there wasn't much moonlight or starlight either, and fighting in complete darkness gives Ling and Heinkel an advantage. I think Heinkel beating up Pride is one of the reasons why a number of people think that Heinkel is the best chimera character. Anyways Ed can't see a thing though... and unfortunately for Ed, Darius doesn't see that well either. The biggest development in the fight though is of course the impressive return of Ran Fan. With her speed, acute senses and a brand new automail left arm, Ran Fan sliced and diced Gluttony like he was tofu. That scene of Ran Fan owning Gluttony almost made me cry.

Moving on to the other parts of the episode, Bradley is missing after the explosion, and we all know he's not dead because of how bad-ass he is. Bradley going missing puts a wrench in Grumman's plans, although the old fox has his own ideas and is not above stepping on top of Mustang and Olivier to seize power. Not sure if Grumman's ambitions will ever come to fruition though since everyone will have to defeat Father first.

So the situation in Kanama is Ed, Darius, Ling, and Ran Fan facing Gluttony while Heinkel attacks Pride in the dark. Pride is defenseless right now, but as seen in the preview, the battle will swing back into his favor once he gets some light. There is also the issue of Al who's still alive but unconscious, and Hohenheim is nearby as well. All this means that the excellent action from this episode will carry on next week, and that's something I'm looking forward to.

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