Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Piece 601

The Marines clash with the pirates gathered by the fake Straw Hats with the real Luffy caught in the middle.

Destroyed in one hit? They just don't make Pacifistas like they used to.

At Grove 33, Brook is picked up by a member of Duval's gang while his fans hold off the Marines. On Grove #41, Sanji is called by Franky to return to the ship at Grove 42, but he and Zoro decide to investigate the commotion at Grove 46 first. On Grove 46, the fake Luffy is trying to make an example of the real Luffy, but suddenly the pirates find themselves surrounded by Marines. Fake Luffy orders the Caribou/Coribou brothers to use the captured Marine scout as a human shield, but Caribou kills the Marines instead, prompting an all out battle between the pirates and Marines. Sentoumaru and his two Pacifistas stroll in and starts blasting pirates left and right. The fake Straw Hats try to run for it, but they are cut off by Sentoumaru. Sentoumaru figures out that he is facing fakes and flattens fake Luffy with his axe. One of the Pacifista then identifies Fake Luffy as a small time pirate with a 26 million bounty.

The fakes have been revealed, but Sentoumaru is still bent on arresting all the pirates. Suddenly, one of the Pacifistas detects the real Luffy and fires a blast at his direction, but Luffy is able jump out of the way and reveals his face to the crowd. Sentoumaru orders the Pacifista to attack, but Luffy destroys the robot with one Gear 2 attack and runs off. While running away, Luffy sees the real Zoro and Sanji running towards him. Zoro and Sanji are confronted by the other Pacifista, but the two of them also destroy the Pacifista in one pass. Zoro and Sanji are ready to scram, but Luffy notices Rayleigh who has come to check on Luffy. Rayleigh is pleased with Luffy's progress and tells Luffy to rejoin his crew, and Luffy declares once again that he is going to become the Pirate King.


The battle between the pirates, the Marines and Luffy did end up happening, but Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro made surprisingly short work of the two Pacifistas. Before the time skip it took the entire Straw Hat crew a lot of effort to take down one Pacifista, but now the strongest three crew members can kill the robots one shot. This chapter just goes to show how much stronger the crew members have become over the time skip. With the two Pacifistas done for, I don't think the Marines have anyone who can impede the Straw Hats from leaving Saobody and Sentoumaru probably isn't stupid enough to go after the Straw Hats by himself. Actually, it seems that Sentoumaru is smarter than most of the pirates and Marines since he is only one that recognized fake Luffy as a fake. The other pirates and Marine must be feeling pretty stupid for falling for the masquerade. Anyways, I wouldn't be surprised if the Straw Hats just left the archipelago without much further opposition... that is unless if an Admiral or super New World pirate suddenly shows up.

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