Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gantz 326

The alien girl brings Tae home while Kurono leads an escape from the zoo/museum.

The Slicer just got sliced.

The alien girl and her parents bring Tae back to their apartment, and the alien girl places Tae in a giant fish bowl that contains an elephant-sized "small" (by alien standards) dog, a slightly smaller rabbit-cat, a man-sized bunny lying on the ground, and a man-sized hamster. Tae is surprised that the hamster can speak Japanese, but a naked boy appears and explains that the hamster is just repeating his words. The boy introduces himself as Shun Nakagawa and is a 14 year old second year middle school student. Shun thinks Tae is an elementary school girl but is surprised and embarrassed that Tae is actually a high-schooler.

Back at the zoo/museum, Kurono #1 blasts a whole in the clear barrier and tells the people inside to escape. Most of the people quickly run out and starts flipping the bird at the alien onlookers, but the jerkwad boyfriend Ryou is a bit reluctant to follow Kurono. Suddenly, an alien special trooper armed with blades drops in and starts slicing and dicing the escapees. Kurono pushes Natsu and Ryou out of harm's way, and then he draws his Gantz sword and slices off part of the alien trooper's head.


I'm not sure, but did Shun ask Tae for sex at the end of their conversation? Lol Gantz and its cast of crazy characters. Since we are trapped in a bowl as the pets of some alien girl, we might as well have some fun right? It seems that Tae won't be going anywhere soon now that she has been taken back to the alien girl's home. With Kurono #1 busy with other things, it might be a while before the couple is reunited. For now Tae will have to deal with Shun, and I'm not sure where that will lead the story. Either way, I doubt Tae will get away on her own, so someone will probably have to come and rescue her.

Back to Kurono's front, it was funny how one random special trooper dropped in to kill the humans. I thought Kurono's group of survivors was being chased by a company of troopers. Maybe the museum staff called their exterminator, but the exterminator ended up being exterminated by Kurono. Similar to Tae's situation, Kurono's ordeal has no end in sight either, and looks like he'll just remain on the run until something significant happens (like a Gantz mission). As for Natsu and Ryou, I'm guessing sooner or later they'll end up dead. That prediction is probably true for nearly every character in the series though, so it's not much of a prediction.

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