Thursday, October 14, 2010

Naruto 513

Tsuchikage and company battle Kabuto and zombie Deidara in the air.

Flipping turtles has never been done on such a grand scale.

Somewhere over the ocean, Kabuto and zombie Deidara are flying on Deidara's clay owl looking for the giant turtle island. Kabuto is suddenly ambushed by the flying Tsuchikage, but he, Deidara and the owl are clay clones and the real Deidara triggers the clay clones to explode. However, the explosion only destroyed a stone clone of Tsuchikage, and the real Tsuchikage along with Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi face off against Deidara and Kabuto. Deidara and Tsuchikage have a little chitchat, but suddenly Kabuto steers Deidara and the owl around to fly away from the enemy.

On the giant turtle island, Naruto is rounding up the wildlife with Killer Bee's help into the giant turtle's shell for his biology study mission. The mission is just a way for the villages to keep Naruto and Killer Bee in the dark about the war between the villages and Akatsuki, and so far it has been working. Suddenly, the whole island starts shaking. It turns out Kabuto's version of Manda has located the island through its senses, and the giant legged snake is biting on the turtle's tail and climbing on top of the shell. Deidara and Kabuto arrive on the scene and Deidara flips the whole turtle upside down with a powerful underwater bomb, thereby immobilizing the turtle. Naruto and company and the animals are relatively unscathed thanks to Yamato's wood jutsu. Naruto and Killer Bee wonder what's going on outside, and the other ninjas are worried about how to keep Naruto and Killer Bee in dark.

Back outside, Kabuto disembarks for the turtle island, leaving Deidara to face Tsuchikage's group. Tsuchikage then gets ready to blast Deidara with an attack.


Another round of battles is on the way. It seems Kabuto just can't stop with resurrecting dead things. He brought Deidara and other dead Akatsuki members back, and now he even brings a version of Manda back. Kabuto may have surpassed Orochimaru in ability, but the guy has no creativity lol, electing only to improve upon what Orochimaru has already developed. On the other hand, Kabuto is doing well so far. Deidara is back for his second stint as a villain, and since Kabuto allowed Deidara to retain some personality and freedoms I'm sure Deidara will have his moments before being sent back to hell again. As for Kabuto trying to take on Naruto, Killer Bee and company by himself, I think he has a chance if he can bring back the dead Akatsuki members at full power. I'm expecting to see a lot of zombies running around, although it might be good if Kabuto had some other trick up his sleeve.

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