Monday, June 14, 2010

Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ 01

A late post on the early airing of Sekirei's second anime season premiere.

It's funny how the only guy in the squad gets left out of the picture.

A typical day at Izumo Inn.

Button up your shirt if you don't want to see your own man-boobs.

List of highlights:
- An iteration of the Disciplinary Squad consisting of Miya, Matsu, Kazehana, Karasuba, and a male Sekirei destroys an army task force.
- Minato and his Sekirei are still fooling around at Izumo Inn. Kazehana is still bumming around drinking wine and Homura struggles with his body.
- Uzume visits her Ashikai Chiho at hospital but is bothered by a guy in a suit and wearing glasses
- Benitsubasa, still fuming from her embarrassing loss to Yume/Musubi at the end the last season, beats up some random Sekirei.
- Meanwhile, Haihane tries to dig up information on the old Disciplinary Squad. She discovers that the second iteration consisted only of Yume and Karasuba, and all the data for the first iteration has been deleted.

Not sure why I took this screen shot... other than that Chiho's neck and face look a little strange.

There wasn't anything good on TV so Benitsubasa decided to visit Izumo Inn for entertainment.

A lot more of this to come!


Sekirei is back for a second season on the TV screen. This was a special early screening that everyone except me seemed to know about, and the series officially starts on either June 27 as written on the persistent message that covered half of the screen. I guess the makers of the show really wanted to make sure we remembered to watch the darn show when it actually starts.

Anyways, the episode consisted of a bit of character re-introduction, recap of the first season, some flashbacks and hints of things to come, and of course some fan service to round things out. It was a lot of stuff, but there wasn't any particular focus. The episode was aimed at bringing fans back to speed and giving a small preview of what's to come, and for those tasks it did a decent job. Nothing important or exciting happened though. The flashbacks and hints were drawn from manga chapters that chronologically should fall somewhere in the middle of the season, but it's not a bad idea to show a bit of them in the beginning. On to the non-story aspects, the animation looks similar to the first season: not super high quality but decent enough. The OP and ED are once again sang by the seiyus of Minato's four main Sekirei and the songs aren't particularly notable.

Given that the Sekirei manga is still in serialization and progressing ever so slowly, ~Pure Engagment~ probably won't be the last season of Sekirei, but it should cover a few good parts of the story. Since I cover the manga and the first season of the anime, I am obligated to cover this season of the anime as well.

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