Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 60

Father proceeds with his ultimate plan.

Denny is a man who is not afraid to show his emotions.

At the radio station, Maria Ross and Fuery are notified by some comrades that someone from Central wants to join their side, and Maria is happy to see that someone is none other than her old friend Denny Brosh.

I think Father's body has an implied "Do Not Kick" warning sign.

Deep inside Father's chamber, Ed starts thinking about how Pride forced Mustang to open the Gate of Truth and realizes something doesn't make sense. If Father's forces could just force any random alchemist to open the gate, then why choose the sacrifices who have already done it? Mustang reveals that Pride stated that he was hoping to avoid it, therefore the procedure posed a risk to Father and the homunculi as well. As May called first dibs on Father, Ed and Al go after Pride and for some reason Pride dodges and does not retaliate with his shadows. Father is about to take action against the brothers, but May gets his attention by throwing a knife into his head. May demands that Father tell her the secret to immortality, but Father absorbs the knife and sends a larger version flying back at May. May dodges, uses her alchemy to pin Father's arms, and goes for a flying kick. At this moment Hohenheim emerges from Father's body and warns May that Father can attack without moving, but it's too late as Father sends May flying with his alchemy.

Giving Scar a few more scars.

Finally got them matching tattoos!

Back on the surface while most people are looking at the eclipse, several groups of Ishvalans travel to various locations in the city given by Scar. Underground, Scar faces off against Wrath and is quickly forced back by Wrath's speedy attacks. While backpedaling, Scar slips on some blood and gets cut by Wrath. Scar breaks one of Wrath's swords, but Wrath takes the broken blade and stabs it into Scar's right arm and pins Scar to the ground. Wrath goes to finish Scar with his other sword, but Scar touches the ground with his left hand and transmutes spikes to force Wrath back. As Wrath stares back in surprise, Scar takes off his jacket and shows that his left arm is also tattooed. Scar explains that as the result of his brother's research, he now has the power to reconstruct.

That wasn't much of a struggle...

Good thing I have this shield to protect me from these rabid fans.

In Father's chamber, Ed tells Al to protect the badly injured May while he handles Pride. Pride attacks with his shadow blades, but Ed dodges and hits Pride with a head butt and Pride is unable to regenerate. Meanwhile, Father notices May trying to heal herself with alchemy. Father transmutes a gun and shoots at May, but Al gets in the way in time to block the bullet. Both Al and Izumi attack Father with alchemy but Father easily blocks the attacks. Declaring that it's time, Father grabs Ed, Al, Izumi and Mustang and is about to start the transmutation. Father explains that he will open the planet's gate and drag God down to earth and into himself. Suddenly, Greed arrives and tries to kick Father out of the center spot, but Father had predicted Greed would interfere and quickly moves to the real center which is his throne. Hohenheim, now free from Father's body, makes a last ditch attempt to stop Father, but it's too late.

Certainly not your average satellite photo.

Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed.

Just as the sun is completed blocked out by the moon, Father activates the transmutation. The black mass surrounding Father's chamber expands and swallows the nearby area (taking in Scar, Wrath, Hawkeye, and the three chimeras) and emerges from Central HQ. All over the country, people (including Winry and Grandma) fall to the ground and lose consciousness. In Central, a giant door opens from the ground and a super-sized Father emerges from the ground. A similar door opens straight above in the sky, and the eye of Truth appears. Shadowy arms emerge from the door from the sky to try and grab Father, but Father grabs the arms and pulls downwards in order to absorb the power of Truth/God into his body. The two doors eventually come into contact, and the entire country of Amestris is then engulfed in a blinding flash of light.

...and a god is born.


The episode where things go really wrong for the good guys. You'd think with so much build up over the last ~10 episodes, Ed and company would make a more sustained effort to stop Father from actually pulling off the country-wide transmutation, but it turned out that the good guys were badly outclassed and couldn't do anything to impede Father. I couldn't help but find that a little bit disappointing. It certainly didn't happen the way I imagined it would (when I read the manga). Anyways, May might have had a chance to slow Father down if somebody had told her not engage Father in close combat a little earlier. Greed had the best chance with kicking Father out of the center spot, but too bad Father knew he was coming. The whole transmutation/solar eclipse sequence was long and a bit drawn out (last 1/3 of the episode), but being such a significant turning point of the show it probably needed to be long. The scene was also definitely more visually stimulating than the manga version. There's no question that Bones knows how to make nice special effects. The episode was a spectacle.

The big transmutation overshadowed the other development in this episode, including the anticipated Wrath vs. Scar match up. A healthy Wrath could probably kill Scar without too much difficulty, but the Fuhrer is starting to fade after losing an inhuman amount of blood over the last few episodes. Scar really did a good job saving up his left arm for that life-saving moment though. You don't see Wrath getting surprised very often.

Things look pretty bleak for Ed and company now as Father absorbs the power of God and the millions of souls in Amestris, but obviously the battle isn't over yet. You don't really have to look at the previews to guess what will happen.

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