Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gantz 318-319

After returning from the unexpected mission, Kurono #1 tries to rescue Tae from the aliens.

Should have gotten a better grip first, Kurono.

Gantz 318
The Tokyo Team along with the other Gantzers are teleported back to the park in Tokyo. Now that they have captured an alien, the leader orders all the Gantzers to be transferred away to random locations despite the protests. Kurono #1 is teleported to Roppongi and desperately tries to make his way back to Tae's hotel, but he only finds his gravely injured teacher who states that students were butchered. Meanwhile, Tae walks around the street while crying. Eventually she comes back to her home and finds a large pile of bodies nearby with her mother among them. Tae's mother is actually still alive and is playing dead, and Tae starts playing dead with her. Unfortunately, a bunch of aliens (the smaller, six-armed ones) starts shooting at the bodies at random to flush the life ones. Tae's mother is hit and Tae and the other survivors are herded into one of the flying cages. Kurono arrives just as the cage flies away. Kurono jumps at the cage but fails to get a grip, and as he falls he promises Tae that he'll rescue her.

Gantz 319
Kurono #1 chases after the flying cage to rescue Tae. After scaling a few buildings, Kurono manages to jump onto the top of the cage, but he fails to breach the cage and is then falls off. With Kurono gone, the flying cage returns to the giant mothership. Tae and the other captive humans are unloaded and then sprayed with some sort of liquid by a couple of big aliens in bio-hazard suits.

Elsewhere in Tokyo, Sakurai discovers that his girlfriend Tonkotsu has been killed.


After the side trip to the alien homeworld, Kurono and company are back in Tokyo which is in even worse shape than before. The attack organized by the black ball Gantzers didn't accomplish much, and we still have no clue what those guys are trying to pull. Eventually someone will kill those assholes though, be it Gantzers or aliens. For the rest of these chapters, it's mostly Kurono trying and failing to save Tae, and Tae is now in the hands of the aliens. Given how the aliens were slaughtering people left and right at first, things don't bode well for Tae and the other captives. Becoming the subject of inhumane experiments is probably worse than just getting killed in the attack. Operation Rescue Tae isn't necessarily the most compelling thing that Oku could have come up with, but at least the story might actually have a direction now. All Kurono #1 has to do is to find a way up into the mothership.

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