Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 55

The Armstrongs get some help against Sloth, while Hohenheim faces Father.

Somewhere in the underground, Ed and company have lost track of May. While Mustang and Ed are busy blaming each other, Riza thanks Scar for helping to bring Mustang back from the edge, but Scar states that it's not worth mentioning.

After taking over the main control room in Central HQ, Buccaneer and company announce through radio that they have taken Brigadier General Clemin hostage and warn the remaining Central forces against fighting the Brigg soldiers or Mustang's forces. Meanwhile, the Armstrongs and the nearby soldiers are busy fighting the one-eyed zombies. Olivier gets word of the announcement and uses a nearby phone to call Buccanneer, ordering her subordinate to lock down Central HQ and hunt down the one-eyed zombies. Meanwhile, a Central officer tries to assume command and walk into the Fuhrer's office with his subordinates, but they are attacked and killed by a group of mannequins.

Have to give the Central soldiers some props for being able to slow down someone as big and fast as Sloth.

Back in the big hallway where the Armstrongs and soldiers are fighting the mannequins, Sloth recovers from being impaled and uses his super-speed again in an effort to kill Olivier and Alex. Alex and Olivier are grazed by the attack and fall to the ground. As Sloth is poised to finish off the Armstrongs, the soldiers manages to use Sloth's shackles and chains to slow the big homunculus down. Some of the other soldiers offer to clear a path for the Armstrongs to escape, but Alex isn't ready to run away just yet. Sloth finally escapes from the chains and charges at the Armstrongs, but he is sent flying with a giant stone fist created by alchemy. At this moment, Izumi walks into the room after blowing up a couple of zombies. Sloth reaches for Izumi, but Izumi tosses Sloth to a waiting Sig who sends the homunculus crashing into a wall. Alex is re-energized after seeing Sig, and the two muscle men double-team Sloth, impaling the homunculus onto a spike. Sloth tries to get up again, but he is finally out of regenerative powers and dissolves into nothingness. After the fight, Izumi introduces herself to Olivier and wonders if her students are fighting nearby. Olivier and Alex plan to continue fighting the mannequins, and Izumi agrees to help out for as long as she can, but she knows that she is one of Father's "sacrifices" and might have to run away when more dangerous opponents come after her.

Up and away!!

Izumi: I've tossed bears since I was 18, so I'm used to this.

Job well done.

On the bright side, now you can sleep forever and ever.

Deep underground, Hohenheim faces off against Father. Hohenheim wonders why Father expelled his emotions as homunculi, and Father states that he wants to be a perfect being instead of being a human. Father starts attacking Hohenheim, but Hohenheim is more interested in talking. Hohenheim refutes Father's claim of not wanting to be human and states that what Father really wants is a family, and the statement seems to touch one of Father's nerves. Father disappears into the ground, reappears behind Hohenheim and tries to extract Hohenheim's Philosopher's Stone, but Hohenheim is somehow able to thwart the attempt. While Father is wondering what went wrong, Hohenheim states that someone without emotions won't beat them (as a plural) so easily.

Being able to transmute with your feet is such a convenient ability.

In Central HQ, the Brigg forces and allies have taken over most of the fortress. Izumi saves a high-ranking military official from being killed by the mannequins, and afterwards she demands that the official tell her about who's behind the mannequin soldiers and forbidden research. Meanwhile, the Armstrongs arrive in the Fuhrer's office where there is a secret tunnel leading to the underground, leading the Armstrongs to conclude that the mannequin soldiers came from this tunnel.

Buc knows how to impress the ladies.

Meanwhile Buccaneer and Falman's group have taken over the front gate, and the Brigg's tank is on the way in. Suddenly, King Bradley appears in front of Central HQ and declares his intentions of taking his castle back.

He's back, and he's not happy.


Another homunculus goes down. This time it's Sloth, who is probably the least developed (character-wise) of any of the homunculi. It seems like Sloth's character was conceived just to dig the tunnel and participate in this fight, so unlike Envy there isn't too much to say about the guy. When I was reading the manga, I was hoping that Alex and Sloth will finish things mano-a-mano so Alex can show off more of his GARness, but the muscle men double-team plus Izumi wasn't bad either. If you are wondering how Izumi is able to toss someone ten times her size, watch the third FMA:B OVA. Izumi is used to tossing big things around lol, although the Armstrongs don't know this given their slack-jawed looks.

In other news, Hohenheim and Father started their battle. It was an interesting conversation between the two. If there is one person who really knows Father, it'd be Hohenheim. I never thought that one of Father's reasons for creating the homunculi was because he wanted a family, but it all kind of makes sense now. Of course, there is also the reason of getting rid of his emotions to become a pure being to rule the world or something along those lines. I loved how Hohenheim was initially nonchalant during the fight and yet managed to walk out of every one of Father's alchemy attacks. Hohenheim seems to have the upper hand for now, but we all know he's not going to beat Father on his own. This is Ed and Al's show after all.

Generally things went pretty well for the good guys in this episode, but Wrath is back to take back his castle. Alex Armstrong and Mustang have their moments, but there isn't really anyone in FMA who is quite as badass as Wrath. What's more, we know Buccaneer and some other badass characters will be involved in the upcoming battle. The next two episodes should feature some of the best melee combat action we'll ever see in FMA. Too bad I'll be on vacation though.

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