Saturday, May 1, 2010

Angel Beats! 05

The SSS tries to make Tenshi look bad in the exams.

Has Tenshi always been that short?

It's exam week at the school, so Yuri comes up with a plan to make Tenshi looks bad by making her score zeroes on all her exams. Yuri recruits Otonashi, Hinata, Takamatsu, Oyama and Takeyama for the operation, and the plan is for some of the team members to provide distractions so that whoever sits in front of Tenshi can switch Tenshi's paper for one that's filled with idiotic answers. With Takeyama drawing the seat in front of Tenshi, everything seems to be set but suddenly the group realizes they don't know Tenshi's name. Otonashi is tasked with finding out Tenshi's name from the school records, but he ends up talking to Tenshi and learns that she is named Tachibana Kanade. Otonashi thinks that Tenshi isn't as terrible as the others make her out to be, but he keeps the thought to himself.

It's a known fact that exams make people burn out.

I just wanted to tell everyone that...

...I'm a Rocket Man!!!!

The first exam starts and the SSS go ahead with their operation. Otonashi is surprised that he knows that answers to the exam questions, but he remembers Yuri's warnings about taking the exam seriously would lead to disappearance and starts erasing answers. Through the various exams, Yuri distracts the whole class by launching her team members into the ceiling with rocket chairs and Takeyama switches the papers. and during each intermission Otonashi has to make excuses to Tenshi when Yuri and the others argue about the operation.

Oh no! Hinata succumbed to the pressure of the exams and hanged himself!

On a day after exam week, Otonashi spots Tenshi coming out of the teacher's office not looking too happy. Later at SSS HQ, Yuri states that rumors of Tenshi's horrible exam scores have started to spread. Days later during an assembly, the school administration announces that the Naoi, the former student council vice president, will replace Tenshi as the council president. While Otonashi is feeling bad about what happened, Yuri thinks it's an opportunity to press on the attack and calls for a Tornado operation during the night.

Yui has a surprisingly good singing voice. I thought she would sound like a chipmunk.

Tenshi can't even have her favorite meal in peace.

At night, Girls De Mo (with Yui as the new lead singer) puts on a surprise concert in the cafeteria yet again. The SSS members on guard outside spot Tenshi approaching, but Otonashi notices something is different and tells his comrade to hold fire. Tenshi enters the cafeteria and is spotted by Yuri and the other SSS members inside. Yuri also notices something is different about Tenshi as Tenshi goes to the meal ticket machine and buys a ticket for the super spicy tofu. Yuri decides to with operation anyways and turns on the fans, and the meal tickets of many students, include Tenshi, are blown away. Tenshi's ticket is later picked up by Otonashi who finds the tofu to be really spicy but quite tasty. Yuri tells Otonashi that the spicy tofu had belonged to Tenshi, and Otonashi starts feeling bad about what the SSS had done. Meanwhile, Yuri starts to think that Tenshi may just be a human after all and is fighting the SSS just because she's student council president. Suddenly, Naoi and a large group of student council members rush in and surround the SSS members, and Naoi declares that the SSS will be apprehended for violating school rules.

If you guys are wondering which rules you broke, just take a look at the guns on your tables.


Another episode full of randomness. I was a little surprised that no one was in danger of disappearing in this episode. The episode was slapstick during the first half and then they tagged on a concert at the end. Presumably they wanted to give Yui some screen time now that she has become the new lead singer for Girl De Mo. The exam scene was not that great. The rocket chairs (with the ED song playing) and Takamatsu's beefcake were pretty funny, but the other students' (including Tenshi's) reactions to the rocket chairs were rather disappointing. A guy getting launched into the ceiling by a rocket is not exactly a normal occurrence during an exam, but everyone just went back to business as usual shortly after. Or maybe they are just so used to the SSS causing trouble that they don't think much of it. With six SSS members in the room, you'd think Tenshi would be a little more alert, but then again Tenshi doesn't seem to be as devious as Yuri.

This episode made me feel sorry for Tenshi. Whether if she's a real angel or just a person who programmed her powers, Tenshi is just doing her job as student council president, and Yuri and the SSS are harassing her. The SSS' motivations and actions have always been questionable, and Yuri came off as a bit spiteful and cruel in this episode. Maybe Yuri is just trying to prove or disprove her own theories, but she's getting a little too much enjoyment out of making Tenshi's life difficult. The exam operation was the first time in the series that Yuri and crew managed to deal a significant blow to Tenshi, but it's hard to say who got the worst end of the deal now that the militaristic Naoi has taken over as student council president. The SSS might even need Tenshi's help to get out of the bind. Given that possibility, it was probably a good thing that Otonashi is warming up to Tenshi.

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