Friday, May 28, 2010

Deadman Wonderland 34

Hitara vs. Hajime.

Don't play with fire if you don't wanna get burned.

Hitara is being beaten up by Hajime's yo-yo-like branch of sin. Hitara keeps getting hit from his blind spots, and soon he discovers that Hajime has an identical twin named Ichi who is also attacking. Hajime and Ichi are actually adults who look like kids and they were thrown in jail for butchering a couple who offered them kindness. The twins continue to punish Hitara, tossing him and impaling him with spikes. Hitara comments that the twins aren't educated enough, and this makes the twins even more angry and they continue to beat Hitara. While being beaten up, Hitara thinks back to just after the earthquake when he was caring for his daughter. Hitara's pretty daughter became an actress/model against her father's wishes, but she was badly disfigured in the earthquake. Depressed and fed up with her dad, Hitara's daughter stabbed a fork into Hitara's left eye during an outburst, but Hitara just calmly cleaned the fork and gave it back to her daughter. After the incident, Hitara's daughter committed suicide by setting her bed on fire, and afterwards Hitara confessed that he was responsible for the death.

Back to the present, Hitara gets up again despite taking an inhuman amount of damage. Hajime and Ichi try to react, but Hitara snaps his fingers and suddenly the twins are engulfed in flames. Hitara explains that he was purposely spreading his blood around so that he can burn up his opponents. Stating that since Hajime and Ichi aren't children that need to be educated, Hitara turns up the flames and torches the twins, ending the fight.

Elsewhere, Makina is getting tired killing wave after wave of Forgeries, but her special forces buddies arrive to back her up. Deeper inside the tunnels, Ganta, Shiro and Azami move towards the transmitter, and Ganta spots Madoka crying in a corner. Somewhere else, Senji is fighting with Akatsuki in a tunnel. Senji declares his name to Akatsuki but he is surprised when Akatsuki knows that he was a policeman before.


Another one of those one on one fights between side characters, and this time it's Hitara, one of the least vocal and prominent Deadmen in the story. The fight wasn't much to talk about: Hitara spends most of it being pummeled by the twins and then suddenly comes back to win. The one thing that this chapter demonstrates well is that Deadman Wonderland is full of f'ed up, disturbed people. I'm not sure what happened to Hitara at the end though (did he burn himself to death?).

Anyways, the spotlight has now moved on to Senji vs. Akatsuki, and this should be a better battle. Senji is a prominent character in the story, and he and Akatsuki appear to have some history together (police-criminal relationship I'm guessing). Ganta's group might also fight against Madoka too, and that should be interesting as well.

With this post, I think I have caught up on all the manga chapters I have missed during my vacation. The anime catch-up posts will take longer though since every episode needs ~30 minutes to watch while each manga chapter can be skimmed through in 5-10 minutes.

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