Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Claymore 110

The reason why Priscilla ditched Raki, and Dae and the Northern Survivors make plans.

...and also the debut of a hot new Claymore!

Chapters ago back in the village that was attacked by Luciela/Rafaela's spikes, Priscilla tells a wounded Raki that she has found the scent she's looking for and is going to ditch him, but she is going to thank Raki for leading her up to this point. Back to the present at Organization HQ, Dae explains to his bosses that a left arm embedded in Raki's back is what kept him from being corroded by the spikes. Dae states that the owner of the arm is probably as powerful or more powerful than the Abyssal Ones and asks the council if they know who the arm belongs to, but the other members either don't know the answer or are unwilling to say much other than that the arm doesn't belong to a former no. 1 as they are either Abyssal Ones or confirmed dead. Dae then wonders who killed all these No. 1, and Rimuto (I think it's him, although he is translated as Limt in the scans) tells Dae to investigate. After the meeting, Dae talks to Rimuto privately about letting a plan that he has of making "weapons" using the flesh of former no. 1 and the now the recovered left arm, and Rimuto gives his permission but also shows his disgust towards using dead bodies for experiments.

In an open area somewhere, the Northern Campaign survivors plus Dietrich is purposely letting out their yoki to draw the enemies out. Tabitha detects a large group of Claymores, Awakened Beings and yoma out to the east, but she thinks she can guide her comrades so they are one step ahead of the enemy. To get to the Organization, Dietrich suggests a little used path to the north. Tabitha detects a group of four Claymores traveling to the north with one of them being a single number, but she also detects that someone with strange yoki is approaching the group of Claymores.

Up in the north, #7 Anastasia is leading her group up the path when she is suddenly approached by a man in distress. The man suddenly turns into an Awakened Being and attacks the Claymores, and Anastasia retaliates using her signature technique to float in mid air and slices off one of the monster's arms. The Claymores soon realize they are surrounded by men who seem to be on the verge of transforming.


A setup and explanations chapter. It's mostly talking and not much action, but the series needed one of these chapters after the somewhat disjointed events that went on the last couple of months. It turns out that Priscilla ditched Raki because she picked up Clare's (or Theresa's) scent from Luciela/Rafaela, which made sense since Clare was temporarily absorbed into the sisters when they awakened. And to thank Raki for keeping her company to that point, Priscilla put her left arm into Raki's back to keep him from being consumed by the spikes. Dae's crew managed to extract the arm, but I wonder if Raki gained any powers from Priscilla or the spikes. For now though, Dae is more interested in the arm than Raki, and he is planning on making something nasty from the arm and the dead bodies from former no. 1s. The meeting at the Organization showed that even if within the Organization secrets are being kept from each other. Someone (the higher-ups) is definitely hiding the fact that Priscilla went wild and is on the loose, and there are probably lots of other secrets as well. The Organization is very much a cloak and dagger with all its secrets and at least one spy in the mix.

Moving on, our heroines are just scouting out the opposition for now, and the action has started elsewhere with a group of Claymores being attacked by Awakened Beings. I have to say, Anastasia is pretty hot. Love the glamor hair and the long eyelashes, and the hovering ability is kind of cool too. It's interesting that the attackers seem to be random guys who have been turned into Awakened Beings by someone. We don't know who's behind the attack yet, but I wouldn't be surprised someone in the Organization purposely summoned Anastasia's group back to test out something. Up against so many enemies, Anastasia's group probably won't last long without some help. Let's hope Deneve and Helen's group decide to interfere.

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