Friday, November 12, 2010

Gantz 327

Kurono #1 tries to ask for directions; Tae gets used to her new home; Kurono #2 and company arrive back at the Gantz apartment; and Sakurai is out to exterminate some aliens.

Give me your wallet and nobody gets hurt.

Inside the alien city, Kurono #1 threatens an alien woman with his Gantz sword to find a way out. The surviving human escapees are still following Kurono and anxiously waits as Kurono points his sword at the alien. The alien woman fiddles with her cell phone and finally finds the app to translate between the alien language and Japanese. The alien woman then explains only military personnel can exit the city ship, and Kurono tells the woman to lead him to the exit.

Meanwhile at the alien apartment, Tae tries out the toilet and feeding station at the pet bowl she is now trapped in. Shun still wants to have sex but Tae refuses. After a nap, Tae wakes up and finds Shun really close to her.

Down in Tokyo, Kurono #2, Reika, Kato, Kaze and Takeshi get back into the Gantz apartment with the black ball and they wonder if they can do something before they are sent on another mission by the asshole hackers.

Elsewhere in the city, Sakurai is wandering streets carrying Tonkotsu (dead or unconscious) on his back. Sakurai spots a group of aliens in uniform sitting around, and a few of them start cutting open live people, dipping them in source and then eating them in front of Sakurai. Sakurai screams at the aliens to stop. The aliens use their finger lightning weapons against Sakurai but Sakurai blocks them with his psychic powers. Sakurai then declares that he is going to kill every single one of the aliens.


A bunch of stuff happens in this chapter, with coverage being split between different characters or groups of characters. As such, I'll just make some comments on each of the developments in the chapter:

- Looks like Kurono #1 is putting the search for Tae on hold for the time being and is focused on leading the survivors to safety. It's probably the best thing for him to do since finding Tae is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. It'll take a lot of luck for Kurono and Tae to be reunited again, but I'm fairly certain it'll happen eventually. Having Kurono #1 save a few people is nice, but it doesn't really lead anywhere in terms of the overall storyline, so I'm expecting something else to happen along the way so Kurono #1 gets back on track and stops wandering around on his own.

- As for Tae, we'll have to see if she can repel Shun's advances. Would be quite the uncomfortable moment if she did it with Shun and then Kurono #1 learns about it.

- Kurono #2 and company have the right idea in mind to go back to the Gantz apartment to see if they can find anything helpful. The best case scenario is that they can hack their Gantz ball to mess up the asshole hackers, but there isn't a computer whiz on the team so the chances of that happening are slim. Hopefully they'll at least get some supplies and weapons though. I've been saying for a while that a weapons upgrade would be nice. The base arsenal plus the H-gun are pretty effective against the aliens, but they are becoming a bit boring. Having more powerful guns or the power suit would make the alien bashing more fun to watch.

- Finally, it looks like Sakurai is going to make his last stand against the aliens. He is alone without support against a sizable group of aliens. Even if he manages to kill them all, his brain would probably be too damaged. Nevertheless, I hope Sakurai slaughters the aliens and goes down in a blaze of glory. In some parts Gantz tries to make the point that aliens are people too, but it's nearly impossible to sympathize with any of them because they like to eat humans. Prey animals don't tend to like their predators lol.

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