Saturday, March 6, 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 22

Mikoto and friends try to locate Haruue's friend Edasaski.

Just because you are making a nice speech doesn't mean you can have a bath with Mikoto.

Haruue explains to Mikoto and friends that she and Bani Edasaki went to same orphanage and were best friends. Some time after Edasaki was transferred away, Haruue started getting telepathic messages from Edasaki and can feel that Edasaski is in a bad situation. Kazari promises Haruue that they'll help find Edasaski, and afterwards Mikoto and Kuroko chats with Telestina and the experiments. After learning about the details, Telestina states that the kids were probably experimented upon by Kensei Kihara, a mad scientist who disappeared. Telestina hypothesizes that the kids probably become ability disruptors and may be the cause of RSPK activities. The thing to do now is to find these kids, but Kuroko reveals that after the Kiyama's capture, the Anti-Skills went looking for the kids but couldn't find them.

With her abilities, Kazari would make an excellent food delivery girl.

The next day, Kazari visits Haruue at Telestina's institute, bringing Haruue some warm taiyaki. Haruue reveals that her ability is to keep stuff at a certain temperature by touching, but with her level she is only able to keep stuff warm. Later in the day, Mikoto runs into Ruiko and the two talk about the tension between Kuroko and Kazari. Mikoto then receives a phone call from Telestina who states that Kiyama has been released on bail and may be going after the kids. At night back in their dorm room, Kuroko shows Mikoto a paper written by Kihara about RSPK resonance. The paper states that the AIM field disruption can cause a resonance effect in other espers, causing a widespread chain reaction. Kuroko calculates that the 10 kids from the experiment may cause a reaction from 78% of the city's population, which would lead to major damage to the city. Unfortunately, Kuroko has no more leads since Kihara disappeared and his research institutes were shut down, but Mikoto secretly decides to visit one of the institute by herself.

Kuroko is more than capable of making some hot action on her own.

I'm Princess Froggy, a heroine of justice.

No amount of disguising will help if you keep spamming electrical attacks.

Late at night, Mikoto sneaks out of the dorm in disguise and makes her way into the closed institute. Following what she saw from Kiyama's memories, Mikoto finds the lab where the experiments were conducted, but most of the equipment is gone. Suddenly, Mikoto hears a familiar voice talking on the phone, and she follows the voice to find Kiyama. Mikoto confronts Kiyama about the "poltergeist" incidents but she accidentally activates the institute's security system, so she and Kiyama are forced to leave. Kiyama takes Mikoto back to her home base where Mikoto finds the 10 kids and Heaven Canceler. Heaven Canceler explained that he bailed out Kiyama because he was worried about what Kihara was doing. Kihara had aimed to create Level 6s by using a concentrated abilities crystal made from substances extracted from experimental subjects. Kiyama explains to Mikoto that she is trying to wake the kids up, but every time the kids would cause RSPK activities as they are about to wake up. Kiyama is trying to write a program to stop the kids from causing RSPK activities, but she needs a sample of the concentrated crystal that Kihara made. Kiyama states that if she can't find the crystal then she would wake up the kids despite knowing that they'll cause widespread destruction.

If you want to sneak around secretly and not be followed, you probably shouldn't be driving around in your Lamborghini.

Telestina is here to repossess the equipment since Heaven Canceler hasn't been paying the mortgage.

Suddenly, Telestina and her team of MAR mechs arrive on the scene. Telestina had tracked Mikoto and Kiyama and is here to take custody of the kids. Kiyama is about to make a move, but Mikoto gets in the way. Mikoto states that despite all the harmful things Kiyama had done, Kiyama has yet so save any of the kids, and right now Edasaki is calling out to Haruue for help. Kiyama is stunned and falls to her knees, and Telestina's crew proceeds to take the kids away.


An episode with a whole-lot of pseudo-science explanations. The explanations didn't make a whole lot of sense as usual, but they weren't the most boring Index/Railgun exposition either. So if I understood correctly, the poltergeist activities were caused by the Child Errors from Kiyama and Kihara's experiments, and I'm guessing Edasaski somehow channels the disruption through Haruue so the RSPK problems happen wherever Haruue is. And all of this was the result of Kihara's mad experiments to make a Level 6 esper.

Okay, so that sort of makes sense. The part that didn't make much sense though was how Kiyama got the help of Heaven Canceler. That just came of nowhere and felt like lazy writing. Heaven Canceler is a rather convenient way of explaining how Kiyama's was released early and found all the Child Errors from the experiment. Perhaps involving the good doctor was the only way to get Kiyama into this story, since otherwise she should still be in jail and be there for a long, long time. Kiyama still hasn't learned her lessons from the Level Upper scheme, one of which is not try to do everything by herself. Now that Kiyama has lost the kids, she'll be bumming around Mikoto and friends and as such she will be more likely to succeed lol.

Interestingly, Telestina still maintains her nearly impeccable image despite being clearly implicated as the villain in the OP. Everything she has done up until now seem to be in the interest of the public and for the benefit of Mikoto's gang. The only clues of any ulterior motives are some close-ups, but her expressions weren't really out of the ordinary. I guess she'll do something to the kids she seized from Kiyama.

Moving onto some of the other minor developments, the friction between Kazari and Kuroko that was brought up last week never amounted to much. Sure, they are not really talking to each other, but the focus of this episode wasn't on their relationship either which was a good thing. We also finally learned about Kazari's powers which is to keep stuff warm. I'd imagine Kazari would be handy for a picnic, although in the warming function she is considerably less useful than a microwave. I suppose she'll get microwave like functions if she gets to Level 2 or 3.

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