Monday, March 1, 2010

Claymore 101

Helen and Deneve grab Clare and run from Priscilla, while Uma tries to draw the spike beasts away from Cynthia.

This is the quickest way to make a sea urchin costume.

Clare, Helen and Deneve are surprised when Clare is unable to awaken. Clare tries a few more times, but each time she fails to completely awaken. Helen wonders if Priscilla is stopping Clare from awakening, but Deneve hypothesizes that the cause is most likely Jean. Jean bringing Clare back to humanity at the Northern Campaign had a profound effect on Clare, and deep inside Clare remembers this and doesn't allow herself to abandon her humanity. Meanwhile, a bored Priscilla starts kicking Clare around, but Helen and Deneve soon come to Clare's rescue. Helen and Deneve throw and slice up some of Rafaela/Luciela's spikes near Priscilla and this prompts the spike pieces to shoot smaller spikes into Priscilla. This allows Deneve and Helen to grab Clare and make a run for it, but they realize that it'll take a lot more stop Priscilla.

Not far away, Uma has finished healing Cynthia, but they are surrounded by spike monster. Uma climbs out of a pit to draw off the nearby spike monsters, and Cynthia lies in the pit surprised that she's still alive. Uma battles the spike monster but soon gets wounded on her right arm. Uma thinks she's not going to survive and starts crying, but suddenly Dietrich appears before her.

Dietrich to the rescue!


Haha, I called it :). Just as I predicted, Clare was unable to awaken because of Jean. Not a surprise since we can't have our main character losing her mind just yet. Deneve impresses once again by coming up with the plan to distract Priscilla with the spike monsters. Priscilla will probably give chase since she's tracking the scent coming off of Clare, but there tons of spike monsters around and Deneve and Helen can use them to their advantage. It's still not the time for Clare to confront Priscilla for real yet as the gap between them is still too large. I'm still waiting on the Priscilla vs. Luciela/Rafaela match-up.

To the second half of the chapter, some reinforcements for the good guys girls finally showed up in the form of Dietrich. Dietrich is most likely here on her own will since the Organization probably won't commit anyone or anything else into controlling this situation. Since Dietrich has arrived, I'm guessing Miria, Tabitha, and Galatea aren't too far away either. Hopefully they'll all join the party soon.

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