Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 48

Ed and company continue to battle Pride and Gluttony out in the forest.

LOL Poor Gluttony.

Back in the forest, Lan Fan and Lin continues to deal damage to Gluttony, who can't tell where the attacks are coming from. Ed and Darius are "watching" the fight, and suddenly the two notice that Lan Fan's grandfather Fu is standing next to them. Fu reveals that he and the others from Xing can sense people's "ki", and he has sensed Gluttony, Greed/Lin, Selim/Pride, and even Hohenhim back in the village. After watching Lan Fan toss a bomb at Gluttony, Ed gets an idea and asks Fu to lead him to Pride.

It's a nice mask, but Ed and Darius can't really see.

In a bar somewhere in Central, Mustang is talking with one of his contacts, Madame Christmas. Madame Christmas has confirmed that Selim is indeed not a human. Outside of the bar, two government agents who are trailing Mustang are waiting for him to come out. Another agent comes along and tells the two agents that Madame Christmas is actually Mustang's foster mother. The three agents immediately bust into the bar only to be blown up along with the building. Underneath the sewers underneath the bar, Mustang part ways with his foster mother and then meets up with Hawkeye, Fuery, and Breda. With the Fuhrer and Selim currently missing, it's now or never for Mustang's crew to take action, and Mustang's subordinates decide to follow their leader.

Thankfully there was no major damage,
and the earthquake alert make only lasted for 5 minutes this time.

That's a pretty nice flare.

Somewhere else in the forest, Heinkel is attacking Pride, but of course Pride can't be eradicated that easily. Heinkel realizes the power will come back on soon so he has to hurry and finish the homunculus. A group of villagers suddenly appear with a lantern, and this allows Pride to use his shadows to injure the chimera. The villagers drop the lantern and run away, thus giving Pride a steady source of light. Pride tries to finish off Heinkel, but Ed appears and blocks the attack. Pride wonders why his shadows can't pierce Ed's automail arm, and it turns out that Ed has alchemized the carbon in his winter automail into a form analogous to Greed's shield. Pride decides to bring Al back into the battle, but that's exactly what Ed wants. As Al walks on to the battlefield, Fu sets off a couple of flash-bangs which severs Pride's connection to Al's body, and Ed and Darius take the opportunity to pull Al away from the homunculus. Pride realizes that he and Gluttony have both been killed numerous times, and neither of them can fight against the Xingese warriors in the dark. Therefore, Pride decides to ingest Gluttony in order to acquire his partner's acute sense of smell in order to even up the odds. After eating Gluttony, Pride notices that Hohenheim is nearby tending to Al.

Ironic that Gluttony ended up being eaten by someone else.

At the Central Headquarters, Father is asking all the generals to think about what Mustang is going to do. Olivier answers that if she were Mustang, she would probably kidnap the Fuhrer's wife. Father thinks this action would be pointless, but Olivier's prediction turns out to be true.

Where is our tip?


Pride is one creepy bastard. As usual, Bones did an excellent job animating Pride's tendrils (and Ed blocking them with his automail arm), and they made the scene where Pride ate Gluttony a bit nastier than in the manga. I gotta say, I feel sorry for Gluttony in this episode. I'm all for Ran Fan and Ling beating up bad guys, but Gluttony had it tough this episode, getting owned in the dark and then ingested by a fellow homunculus. That's the end of Gluttony now since his Philosopher's Stone was taken by Pride.

This was a good action episode for the most part. Ed and company managed to rescue Al from Pride and Gluttony is gone, but Pride now has a steady source of light, Heinkel is hurt bad, and Lan Fan is having a whee bit of trouble with her automail arm. However, Ed and company does have Hohenheim on their side, and next episode we might get a glimpse of what Ed and Al's father is really capable of.

Other than the fight out at Kanama, Mustang makes his move by kidnapping Mrs. Bradley, but as noted by Father it's probably a useless action. Olivier is still biding her time because Father is still around, but she is going to make a move soon now that Mustang has started his operation. With Wrath missing though, it's unclear what the East Army will do now, but Grumman is probably waiting for Mustang to make the first move as well. The big showdown is just in the early phases, so there is plenty more action and strategic maneuvering to come.

On a somewhat unrelated note, an earthquake alert came up in the middle of the episode, but it only lasted a few minutes unlike the tsunami alert two weeks ago. From new reports, there doesn't seem to be any major damage which is good news to hear.

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