Friday, November 26, 2010

To Aru Majutsu no Index II 08

A problem begins to brew during the Academy City's sports festival.

It's funny that Touma's dad was hitting on Mikoto's mom given their children's relationship.

This is all the motivation you'll ever need.

It's the Academy City's sport festival and many people from outside are inside the city. Among them are Touma's parents and also Mikoto's mother. Before the competitions start, Mikoto and Touma made a bet with each other as to which school would win, and the loser has to do whatever the winner tells him/her. Touma isn't too concerned, but Mikoto is a little embarrassed by the possibilities. After meeting Mikoto and ditching the hungry Index, Touma returns to his school and finds his fellow team members feeling down, but after some pep talk by acting class representative Seiri and moeness from Komoe-sensei, Touma and comrades work up the battle spirit and win their first event.

Mikoto wishes this was the race to win Touma's heart.

Too bad Kuroko will never follow through with the threat to put needles into Touma.

After the event, Touma tries to get Index some food, but the street they want to cross is cordoned off for a parade and next crossing is far away. Touma is then dragged away by Mikoto who needed Touma for her competition. Mikoto drags Touma past the finish line and wins the competition and afterwards Mikoto gives Touma her water bottle. Elsewhere in the city, Uiharu is pushing the recovering Kuroko around on the streets and they both see Mikoto's win along with her post-competition interaction with Touma on a big screen. Kuroko vows to make Touma pay for getting so close to her beloved onee-sama.

Feline attack!!

Touma walks back to find Index, but he spots Motoharu talking with Stiyl instead. Touma joins in the conversation and finds out two magicians have sneaked into the city, and they are after an artifact that can kill saints. After the chat, Touma goes back to looking for Index, and he learns from Aisa and Maika that Index has joined Komoe-sensei for lunch. Touma eventually finds Komoe and Index in a park and catches Index in the middle of changing into an uniform. Index tries to bite Touma but accidentally kisses him on the cheek instead and this stuns her. Touma is then dragged away by Seiri for slacking off. Seiri notices that Touma seem to have his mind on something else, but during the conversation Touma bumps into a beautiful blond woman. The woman apologizes for bumping into Touma and shakes his right hand, and upon contact Touma and the woman notice Touma's right hand negation working. The woman is Oriana Thomson, one of the magicians who sneaked into the city. Oriana uses magical tag to call her comrade and reports that the spell on her body has been broken. Oriana also notices that Touma is following her and she plans to lose him.

Another picture to prove that Touma is hardly unlucky.

Can't blame Touma, since a kiss from Oriana is an offer too good to refuse.


A so-so episode to start off the new story arc. The main problem is that the narrative is disjointed and jumps all over the place. There some bits with Mikoto, some bits with Index, some bits with Seiri and in the middle of fooling around with all the girls, Touma randomly stumbles onto Stiyl and Motoharu chatting (or maybe Aleister planned it that way) and gets involved with yet another intrigue. Basically, it was a lot of fan service interlaced with random bits of plot progression, and this didn't work too well. The story doesn't sound terribly interesting either as it sounded like another kooky Catholic nun wants to do something naughty. Those Catholics, they never learn.

On the bright side, at least there wasn't too much exposition and those looking for fan service should be satisfied. There was Index, Mikoto, Seiri, and even Oriana and Komoe to satisfy different tastes. It's amusing that Touma can actually dodge or deflect Index's biting to some degree, but then again this isn't that tough when compared to running up falling debris in the last episode. The fan service was clicking on all cylinders this week. Too bad the storytelling wasn't.

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