Monday, November 1, 2010

Claymore 109

The remaining Northern Campaign survivor go on a new journey.

Galatea: Is that you Clare? Wow, you really let yourself go.
Also, bigger picture FTW.

Dae returns to Organization HQ to find the damage caused by Miria's attack. Dae then goes to check on Raki who was transported to HQ earlier, and Dae and his underlings discover something interesting on Raki's back that prevented him from being taken over by the spike monsters.

Outside Rabona, Helen leads Galatea into a wooded area to a giant grotesque pile of flesh. Helen explains that her group bought the object in from the west and Clare is probably inside. Helen states that once Clare was absorbed into Rafaela/Luciela, a huge shockwave destroyed the land and the pile of flesh is all that was left. Galatea can feel youki from the object, but has trouble making out Clare's presence. Galatea thinks that something very powerful other than Clare is sealed inside the mass as well, and releasing Clare would mean releasing whatever else is inside.

The discussion is interrupted of sounds of sword clashing nearby. Deneve and Tabitha are fighting each other, but they are quickly separated by Helen and Cynthia. Deneve explains that Tabitha wanted to attack the Organization HQ on her own, but Deneve disagreed and the two started fighting. Deneve then starts going off about how Miria was stupid to attack Organization HQ on her own and how she was a naive idealist. Tabitha punches Deneve in the face for the remarks, but Deneve shrugs it off and declares to the whole group along with Galatea that she is not willing to simply accept the fact that Miria went off and died, and so she suggests that the group head out to Organization HQ. As the remaining five Northern Campaign survivor prepare to leave, Dietrich arrives to ask some questions. Dietrich noticed that the attack on Rabona by yoma and Awakened Beings bore resemblance to the attack that destroyed her village and led to her becoming a Claymore. This means that it's likely that the Organization destroyed Dietrich's village, and Dietrich wants to know what's really going on behind the Organization. Deneve invites Dietrich to join group, and Dietrich agrees. Clarice and Miata arrive wondering what's going on, and Galatea prays that the new group of six will come back alive and possibly bring back a 7th warrior with them.


Clare is now a blob!? I don't really know what to say, other than that I'd rather have seen what happened at the conclusion of the fight vs. Priscilla than seeing the aftermath a few chapters later. Hopefully that scene will come back in a flashback later in the story. Judging by Galatea's tone, maybe Priscilla was sealed inside the pile of flesh along with Clare. If that's true, it means that Clare is now joined together with her most hated enemy, and that would be somewhat ironic. It sounds like Clare is working to keep whoever was sealed inside that blob from coming out, but we all know both Clare and the other being will be released eventually. Clare is the main character after all, and I can't see Yagi keeping her in storage for too long.

Back to the characters who are still moving, it's no surprise that Deneve is new de facto leader of the group and also no surprise that Dietrich has joined in. Being usually cool and collected but not willing to take a backseat, Deneve was probably the best candidate to replace Miria. As for Dietrich, she has been hanging around the group for so long that she was an honorary member anyways. The development of the group heading to Organization HQ gives more hope that Miria is still alive. The group should have no problem overpowering all of the current Claymores (as Miria did so by herself), but we'll see how they fare against the Organization's other projects. Let's hope this adventure doesn't turn into a suicide mission like Miria's did.

Lastly, we finally got another look at Raki, and seems like something interesting on his back. I'm guessing Raki has been grafted with some sort of yoma/Claymore/Awakened Being flesh. It could be Priscilla's flesh, but it could be something else too. It'll probably be a while before we find out the answer.

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